Message '(91) Object variable or With block variable not set' duri



We are upgrading MS Project Server 2003 SP1 from PS 2002. We have run into
this error ((91) Object variable or With block variable not set) when trying
to build the cube for Protfolio Analyzer.

We have seen this problemduring our tests, and it seems to be related to the
Enterprise Outline codes. If we restore an empty Enterprise Global template,
the problem goes away. When we restore the original template, the problem

We have over 1400 project and nearly 1000 resrouces, so starting with an
empty template and rebuilding is not viable. How can we track down and
resolve this error?


Brian K - Project MVP

Steve said:
Object variable or With block variable

have you migrated the Analysis Services Repository to SQL Server? This
might cause this issue.

Do you have any Resource or Project outline codes whose field name is
longer than 40 characters? I have seen this cause this issue as well. Also
having illegal characters in the outline code field names (the characters
listed on the Manage Enterprise features page where you build the cube.


The other thing to look for is to check your enterprise outline codes. One
of the issues we hit is that the top levels of certain outline code values
were inexplicably lost in conversion. I believe these may have had
characters like ( and ) in them. While illegal, the Pro client didn't always
check for all of these characters.

So, for example, we had RBS values which started at level 4 and levels 1-3
were gone. These values will typically show up in Red in Project Pro. Once
cleaned up, a lot of things started working again. Just something else to




Thanks to both the evil Doctor and Brian.

All of the field names and their values are under 40 characters. They
consist solely of letters, numbers and spaces. The dat aand the RBS seems
organized as we want it.

I have discovered that by removing all of the resrouce outline codes, the
cube builds. This leads me to believe its one of those field which is
offending PjtSvr. Any ideas to determine which field is the culprit is much

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