Message Box if Data appears in Column



I would like a message box to appear if the text "Error" appears in any cell
in the range L2:L1250. Any assistance with a macro would be appreciated.

Gary''s Student

Sub ErrorCatcher()
Dim r As Range
Set r = Range("L2:L1250")
For Each rr In r
If InStr(rr.Value, "Error") > 0 Then
MsgBox ("WARNING monk")
End If
End Sub


Thanks. How could I amend this so that the message box will only appear once,
irrespective of how many times the "error" text appears in the column. At the
moment the box appears each time the "error" value appears. Thanks in advance

Rick Rothstein

Give this macro a try...

Sub CheckForError()
Dim Contents As String
Contents = Join(WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Range("L2:L1250")), Chr(1))
If InStr(1, Contents, Chr(1) & "Error" & Chr(1), vbTextCompare) Then
MsgBox "There is an error in the range L2:L1250 somewhere!"
End If
End Sub

Gary''s Student

Sub ErrorCatcher()
Dim r As Range, warn As Boolean
warn = False
Set r = Range("L2:L1250")
For Each rr In r
If InStr(rr.Value, "Error") > 0 Then
warn = True
End If

If warn Then
MsgBox ("WARNING!")
End If
End Sub

Rick Rothstein

You could have kept your original structure and just exited the subroutine
on the first find...

Sub ErrorCatcher()
Dim r As Range, rr As Range
Set r = Range("L2:L1250")
For Each rr In r
If InStr(1, rr.Value, "Error", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
MsgBox ("WARNING monk")
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

Although I did add the optional arguments to InStr to make it case
insensitive. By the way, this code could return an incorrect result if one
of the "earlier" cells has text that contains the word "Error" in it
(especially now that I made the search case insensitive; although your
original code could also misreport an error in the same way).

Dave Peterson

Another one:

Option Explicit
Sub Testme()

dim myRng as range
dim myCount as long
dim myWord as string

myWord = "Error"
'or if the error can be with other words.
myWord = "*Error*"

set myrng = worksheets("Sheet9999").range("l2:l1250")

mycount = application.countif(myrng, myWord)

if mycount = 0 then
'do nothing ' or msgbox "not found"
msgbox myWord & " was found " & mycount & " times."
end if

end sub

When I do this kind of stuff, I like to put the message in an adjacent cell in
nice big bold letters:

=if(countif(l2:l1250,"error")=0,"","Errors in the data!")
=if(countif(l2:l1250,"*error*")=0,"","Errors in the data!")


This will give you something to work with. Put the code in the worksheet
code module by right clicking the sheet name tab, then select "View Code".
Copy the code below and paste into the code window. Any change in the sheet
will then look in column L for the word "Error".

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim c As Range
Set c = ActiveSheet.Cells.Find("Error", LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not c Is Nothing Then
If Not Intersect(c, Range("L2:L1250")) Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Error in Range(""" & c.Address & """)"
End If
End If
End Sub

Rick Rothstein

Thanks, but there is an even more "beautiful improvement" available. I can't
believe I forgot about the Find method which JLGWhiz's post reminded me of
(than JLGWhiz). Here is a much better solution...

Sub CheckForError()
If Not Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("L2:L1250").Find("Error", LookAt:= _
xlWhole, MatchCase:=False) Is Nothing Then MsgBox "There is an error!"
End Sub


There is also the CountIf method which can be sometimes very useful.

Sub CheckForError()

If Application.CountIf(Range("L2:L1250"), "Error") > 0 Then

MsgBox "There is an error in the range L2:L1250 somewhere!"

End If

End Sub


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