Below is a portion of my code that I am trying to use to Mail a Report
If a certain value is in Report K6. I have introduced a Message Box
with Yes/No and my code is not mailing, but has not error messages.
The scenario in my example below is: If the City shown is London a
message box should appear that asks "Are you sure you wish to e-mail
Joe Bloggs", if user clicks "No" then the whole sub should exit
(reverting to cell K6). If user select "Yes" then sub should continue
and run the macro "Mail_Joe_Bloggs"
This macro ""Mail_Joe_Bloggs" does work as it did run before I tried
to introduce the message box
With Worksheets("Report")
If .Range("K6").Value = "London" Then
Msg = "Are You sure you wish to e-mail Joe Bloggs?"
Title = "Correct City Test"
Response = MsgBox(Msg, vbYesNo + vbQuestion, Title)
End If
If Response = vbNo Then
MsgBox "Go Back and Change to Correct City"
Exit Sub
End If
If Response = vbYes Then
End If
End With
If a certain value is in Report K6. I have introduced a Message Box
with Yes/No and my code is not mailing, but has not error messages.
The scenario in my example below is: If the City shown is London a
message box should appear that asks "Are you sure you wish to e-mail
Joe Bloggs", if user clicks "No" then the whole sub should exit
(reverting to cell K6). If user select "Yes" then sub should continue
and run the macro "Mail_Joe_Bloggs"
This macro ""Mail_Joe_Bloggs" does work as it did run before I tried
to introduce the message box
With Worksheets("Report")
If .Range("K6").Value = "London" Then
Msg = "Are You sure you wish to e-mail Joe Bloggs?"
Title = "Correct City Test"
Response = MsgBox(Msg, vbYesNo + vbQuestion, Title)
End If
If Response = vbNo Then
MsgBox "Go Back and Change to Correct City"
Exit Sub
End If
If Response = vbYes Then
End If
End With