I will be grateful for any ideas any one has on the following.
I have a long macro that when run sometimes calls the message box as below
and sometimes does not. I have tried including it in the macro code and also
tried calling it (ie having it separate) and the only way i can make it work
every time is to in effect stop the macro by putting another message box
before it such as 'msgbox "xyz" ' this has the effect of stopping the macro
and it runs every time. As you will note it is a basic message box.
Code as below
Public hols As Boolean( i actually declare this at the top with other public
Dim Msg, Style, Title, holiday
Msg = "Was yesterday a holiday ?"
Style = vbYesNo
Title = "Holiday?"
holiday = MsgBox(Msg, Style, Title)
If holiday = vbYes Then hols = True
If holiday = vbNo Then hols = False
This then sets the hols variable to true or false.
I have a long macro that when run sometimes calls the message box as below
and sometimes does not. I have tried including it in the macro code and also
tried calling it (ie having it separate) and the only way i can make it work
every time is to in effect stop the macro by putting another message box
before it such as 'msgbox "xyz" ' this has the effect of stopping the macro
and it runs every time. As you will note it is a basic message box.
Code as below
Public hols As Boolean( i actually declare this at the top with other public
Dim Msg, Style, Title, holiday
Msg = "Was yesterday a holiday ?"
Style = vbYesNo
Title = "Holiday?"
holiday = MsgBox(Msg, Style, Title)
If holiday = vbYes Then hols = True
If holiday = vbNo Then hols = False
This then sets the hols variable to true or false.