Message box this is what your looking for



I have two worksheets. Sheet “Referencethis†and sheet “Enterinfoâ€

Range B7:B116 and D7:D115 on sheet “Referencethis†has contents I am looking
for already entered into them. Each row belongs together so the data in B7
belong with the data in D7. The data in B50 belongs with the data in D50.
The data in B100 belongs with the data in D100, and so on.

D7:D116 and F7:F116 on sheet “Enterinfo†is set up the same way as sheet
“Referencethisâ€, however it does not have any data in any of the rows. So
when data is entered into D7 and F7 the data will belong together. When data
is entered into D50 and F50 the data will belong together. When the data is
entered into D100 and F100 the data will belong together,etc.

After data is entered into any row in the range D7:D116 and F7:F116I on
sheet “Enterinfo†and it matches any row in the range B7:B116 and D7:D115 on
sheet “Referencethis†I’d like a message box to appear with the data from the
row of “Referencethis†that matches the row of “Enterinfo†. I aiming to
have the message box say something like “(Put data from “Referencethis†here
) this is what your looking for.†Can you help, I put below what I have so
far, I know it’s not much.

Sub Findthis()

MsgBox "This is what your looking for"

End Sub

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