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I am having trouble on deciding how to tackle something.

Right now I have a datasheet with info. There is a TA Number. The traveler
must click on the field that contains this number. Now they close the form
and go to anther one. When they click on the TA Number I have a copy macro.
Then when the close and go to another form, the past it which pulls all there
info. I like how this works. My problem is getting the travler to click on
the TA number. They like to use there mouse to navigate. How can I get this
to work. When I close could it bounce back to that number, although it may
not be the last number used. Please help with any suggestions.
Thanks a bunch


I don't understand. I do have a close butto already. How would I make that
grab that specific TA number to Copy?


Some ideas:

If there is a sequence in which they normally fill in fields, then have
all of the other fields in the row as disabled, and have the
afterupdate event of the TA number make them enabled. (also have to
have oncurrent event change the enabled for those fields dependent on a
value in TANumber so they can get into the other fields on an already
existing record.)


in the beforeinsert check for the TA being filled and if not then
cancel with a msgbox saying they need the value.


make the TA number a required field in the table definition, and Access
will stop them from adding the record unless they select a TA number.
(You will have to make sure that all records has a value when you
change it to be required or it will not let you change the constraint
on the table.)



Is there a way when I hit the close button, if you did not copy a field it
would bring up an error mesg?

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