message boxes


chuck medairy

Some of my mesSAGE BOX in some of the office or other window are in the german language also some error messages too.these boxes usally show up when you save a file or close out a windows this has just started in the last three months.i do have program which are made in german but they been on for a long time. any help will due thank


Dave Patrick

Better to ask in one of the office groups.


Dave Patrick ....Please no email replies - reply in newsgroup.
Microsoft MVP [Windows NT/2000 Operating Systems]

chuck medairy said:
Some of my mesSAGE BOX in some of the office or other window are in the
german language also some error messages too.these boxes usally show up when
you save a file or close out a windows this has just started in the last
three months.i do have program which are made in german but they been on for
a long time. any help will due thanks

Mike Williams [MVP]

chuck said:
Some of my mesSAGE BOX in some of the office or other window are in
the german language also some error messages too.these boxes usally
show up when you save a file or close out a windows this has just
started in the last three months.i do have program which are made in
german but they been on for a long time. any help will due thanks


Clarifying the exact software packages and versions involved will make
solution easier. What is the German program? What is the text of the error
messages? When EXACTLY do they appear?

Mike Williams - Office MVP

Please respond in the same thread on this newsgroup - not by email!
Include details of your application and Windows versions, plus any
service pack updates. Answers may also be found by reading recent
posts, checking the FAQs or searching the relevant Google archive at.
If something doesn't make sense, it could be worse e.g.

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