Message Filing Rules



My situation is that I have hundreds of Projects that my company is working
on, and I need to have everyone's Outlook client file all correspondences
pertainging to a Project filed in its respective Project Folder.
Is there a way to set up automatic filing (maybe even with rules) such that
each individual Project does not need its own rule? Ideally every message
with '[Project #XXXX]' in the Subject Line would get filed in the 'Project
XXXX' folder.


S.Niyogi said:
My situation is that I have hundreds of Projects that my company is working
on, and I need to have everyone's Outlook client file all correspondences
pertainging to a Project filed in its respective Project Folder.
Is there a way to set up automatic filing (maybe even with rules) such that
each individual Project does not need its own rule? Ideally every message
with '[Project #XXXX]' in the Subject Line would get filed in the 'Project
XXXX' folder.

Alas, rules don't have variables. Maybe some VBA script would work. might help.

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