Message not sent


Charles Blair

Windows 2003 SP1, Exchange 2003 SP1, Office 2003 SP1

I have a user that sent an email using Outlook (with an Exchange profile and
on the corporate network) to another user in our Exchange organization, but
it did not get delivered.

The message shows up in the user's Outlook Sent Items folder, but there is
no entry for this message in Exchange tracking.

This is especially troubling, because the only way I know that an email
receives a valid time stamp and is copied to Sent Items folder, is if the
session was successfully negotiated and the email was sent to the Exchange

The user successfully sent email earlier the same day and also the following

There is nothing in the Exchange server event log that shows an interruption
in operations.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Charles Blair

Yes ... the date/time stamp that a sent message displays in the Sent column
in the Sent Items folder.

Even if you drag and drop an undelivered message from Drafts to Sent Items,
it will not show a Sent date.

The message has to actually be delivered from the Outbox before it is
stamped with the sent date/time.

I have searched Exchange message tracking using all combinations of
variables, but this one particular message is not found.



never seen anything like that before...was it sent using some other pop3
account, perhaps? was anything sent from his mailbox during that time frame
showing up in message tracking?

Charles Blair


The user is on our corporate network and setup with a standard Exchange
email profile in Outlook.

The user successfully sent email earlier the same day and also the following
day, and these messages did show up in message tracking.

During the timeframe of the problem, message tracking shows a continuous
flow of messages from other users with no interruption to operations.


Charles Blair


There is a reoccurring warning message in the workstation application log:
The COM+ Event System failed to create an instance of the subscriber
CoGetObject returned HRESULT 8000401A.

A google search brought up this MS article:;en-us;331697

The workstation is already XP SP2.

I am scheduling a reinstall of SP2 to hopefully clear the error, but does MS
Outlook 2003 tie into MSMQ?


Kevin Longley

If you are running the xp sp2 firewall verify that you have an exception for
the outlook executable within the firewall exception settings.

Charles Blair

The XP firewall is disabled via group policy.

There are not any other filtering applications installed.


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