Message: Personal Folders not Shut Down Properly

  • Thread starter ConfusedNHouston
  • Start date


I've got some strangeness in the way that Outlook is behaving. As it boots
up, it brings up a screen requiring that I activate macros in Adobe PDF
Reader. If I click "no" then it will not use Word as my email editor.

And the quirk mentioned in the title bar. I shut down the only way I know
how; File, Exit. And it shuts down in what appears to be a normal manner,
but when I turn the machine back on and bring up Outlook, I get the message
"Personal Folders was not shut down properly..." And something about needing
to check that file. The upshot is that I have to waste about 8 minutes
waiting for Word to decide that there are no errors in that PST file.

Any ideas as to how I can get outlook uncoupled from Adobe and how I can
avoid the "not shut down properly" message?

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

As long as the PDF addin is installed in word, you need to allow it to use
word as the editor - so either remove it from word's addins or allow it.

if something prevents outlook from closing properly you'll get that message
on start. Do you have a pda or a program that uses outlook data? Those are
the usual causes of problems with outlook not closing.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
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Brian Tillman

ConfusedNHouston said:
I've got some strangeness in the way that Outlook is behaving. As it
boots up, it brings up a screen requiring that I activate macros in
Adobe PDF Reader. If I click "no" then it will not use Word as my
email editor.

Do you have the full Adobe Acrobat installed?
And the quirk mentioned in the title bar. I shut down the only way I
know how; File, Exit. And it shuts down in what appears to be a
normal manner, but when I turn the machine back on and bring up
Outlook, I get the message "Personal Folders was not shut down
properly..." And something about needing to check that file. The
upshot is that I have to waste about 8 minutes waiting for Word to
decide that there are no errors in that PST file.

There is something keeping Outlook open when you try to close it. See if
something here helps:
Any ideas as to how I can get outlook uncoupled from Adobe and how I
can avoid the "not shut down properly" message?

See if this helps:

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