Message rule looking for "p" or "s" in recipient selects all source items



I'm using Outlook 2003 under WinXP Home SP2.

An MVP taught me a clever little trick to detect most cases of multiple
recipients: Search the To: line for all characters NOT in the recipient's

My recipient address is Remedyme (at) My message rule
calls for deleting the message if Outlook finds a "word" in the recipient
that is in the string bcfghijkpqsuvxz0123456789 -- each byte specified
individually in quotes the way it's supposed to. Outlook was deleting
everything in my Input folder. I started running with just this rule and
checking one byte at a time, and found that if I looked only for a "p" or
only for an "s" it would delete all messages.

This technique works fine in Outlook Express. Can somebody check into why
Outlook is misbehaving?


I suppose that if I were to be 100% thorough, I could have checked to see if
the "total deletion" occurred with any of the other letters in the alphabet,
i.e., the letters in my recipient address, but what I've found should be
enough for someone (in Microsoft) to pursue this further.

If someone else doesn't join this thread pretty soon, I'll have to blow $35
to bring it to MS's attention! I hope that if it's a real bug, they'll
refund my money.

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