Message tracking


Di Ryan

I would like to track some of the messages I send. However, no matter what I
choose in "tracking options". I cannot get a tracking tab to appear at the
top of the sent message so I can track it. I have checked "request a read
receipt", "request a delivery receipt", "process receipts and responses on
arrival", but I still do not get a tracking tab.

Brian Tillman

Di Ryan said:
I would like to track some of the messages I send. However, no
matter what I choose in "tracking options". I cannot get a tracking
tab to appear at the top of the sent message so I can track it. I
have checked "request a read receipt", "request a delivery receipt",
"process receipts and responses on arrival", but I still do not get a
tracking tab.

But do you get receipts returned to you? If not, that's why. You can
request receipts, but if you don't get any returned, Outlook can't track the

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