Messages always being sent in Courier font



For some reason, all messages sent from my Outlook 2003 are being sent in a
plain text (Courier font). I have the Message Format set to compose messages
in HTML format using Microsoft Word 2003 to edit the email message. While the
messages are being composed, they appear to be formatted correctly in HTML
(e.g. Arial font). In fact, when looking at the message in the "Sent" folder,
it too is formatted correctly in HTML.

However, when the message gets to the receiver (including yourself), it has
been forced to plain text (Courier font).

If I use Outlook Express, the messages get sent OK.

Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

Go to your Contacts folder and open a contact record for someone who has
received one of the Courier messages, then double click that person's e-mail
address. Does it show that Outlook is configured to always send to that
contact in plain text?

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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Good suggestion (I didn't know of that property value), but that did not
solve our problem; the setting was "Let Outlook decide the best sending

However, there is another piece of information that might be helpful here.
When the same HTML formatted email is sent to myself (i.e. back to the same
home PC address that sent the email) and sent to my work PC email address,
there are different results:

email address of sending machine: received in Couier font
email address of work machine: received in orginally sent Arial font

Both addresses have the Internet format setting of "Let Outlook decide the
best sending format". I also know that other email addresses received emails
sent from my home PC Outlook receive the emails in Courier font. If the home
PC receives an email in HTML format and we respond to it, the email thread
remains in HTML format. It appears to only happen when we orginate an email.

Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

One other question: Are the received e-mails with the Courier font actually
showing up as being in plain text format, or are they in HTML format but with
the Courier font?

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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As best I can determine, the message is received in Plain Text. Is that
determined by selecting Options and looking at the Internet Header? Do you
want to see a copy of it? Do you want to see the Internet Header of the same
message received on a different machine?

An other piece of information that may/may not be helpful. Again, my test
consists of formatting a message as HTML and sending it to myself.
Additionally, the message in the Sent folder indicates it went out as HTML.
However, when I receive the message, it consistently is received as Plain

Interestingly, if I select the message from the Sent folder and 'Reply' to
it, the message is correctly received in HTML format. Does that help any?

Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

Just to update this thread, I have been doing research on your issue but
haven't found anything yet. If I do, I will let you know.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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only to the newsgroup to preserve the message thread. ***

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