Messages Disappear Instantly


M. Anderson

I just recently discovered that I can use Outlook over my Novell Groupwise
client, it receives all of the mail that goes to my University address just
fine. However, the other account that I have set up are the problem.

It downloads the messages, and then they are gone. They never show up in
the inbox. It says that it is downloading x of x messages but it never gets
to the inbox and they are no where to be found, even when I do a search.

Any ideas? Thanks!

M. Anderson

Oh, it is Outlook 2003 on an XP Pro machine, no addins that I am aware of, I
just set up Outlook last night.

K. Orland

My first guess is that you are set to autopreview email, and that messages
are marked as read after X number of seconds. I would also guess that the
view is set for unread mail which would hide your read mail.

Change your view (View > Current View) to Messages which will show
everything, and turn off autopreview (View > unselect Autopreview) OR
uncheck the instruction to mark messages as read (Tools > Options > Other >
Preview Pane > uncheck the "mark as read..." box.

If this is not the issue, please advise. There are many more solutions.

M. Anderson

Nope, they just completely disappear. It downloads the message, it then even
indicates in the bottom right corner 'downloading message x of x' and even
indicates the size, but it doesn't go anywere and isn't in any of the
folders. I have done a search and could not find it.

Is if possible since Outlook seems to be just a shell for my Groupwise
account, that it is going into the Groupwise Server somewhere and not my
actual mailbox.

Every time I try to configure something in outlook, it goes to my Groupwise
settings, and shows the IP address of my GW server.

Thanks again.

M. Anderson

Found out something that might help. I went to my mail options in the
control panel and Outlook was using the Groupwise profile when it opened.

When I created a new profile, I was able to receive my messages just fine
with the new profile created just for outlook.

My problem is now, is that I am missing a few very important emails that
were sent to me and that I downloaded when I was on the Groupwise profile, so
I am really thinking that they are on a server somewhere on campus, vs
anywhere on my machine.


Brian Tillman

M. Anderson said:
Found out something that might help. I went to my mail options in the
control panel and Outlook was using the Groupwise profile when it

Your downloaded messages should be in whatever Inbox is used in the delivery
location specified for the Groupwise profile.

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