messages "sucked" from yahoo



I use Yahoo as my email provider. I would like to use Outlook with it. But
everytime I've tried to use it in the past, it "sucks" all of the messages
out of yahoo and I can't ever see them in yahoo again. Is there a way to
have outlook just "copy" the messages from yahoo so I will still be able to
access those messages in Yahoo later?


There sure is...

Open Outlook...if your messages begin to get transfered you can right
click on the botom right hand corner where it shows you the process of
the transfer and select cancle.

Then look in the drop down menus at the top of the window,
go to Tools
then to Accounts
you want to veiw or change existing account.
select the account and click on Change

once you have that window open you should see a button that is near the
bottom on the right hand side that says More Setings.

While in the More Settings window you should see a marker at the top
that says: Advanced

under that section you can select wether or not to leave the messages
on the server and/or how long you would like to leave them there.

I hope that helps.

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