meta keywords & no Office install



Before I buy FrontPage I need to verify some things. I created a
few webpages the manual way in html before, and I was able to
enter keywords into the "meta keywords" so search engines can
find my website. Does FrontPage allow the user to add these
keywords into the code? I assume so, but I hate to assume.

I don't have Office on my PC, as I lost it during the XP install
(don't ask). So I just want FrontPage, not FrontPage in Office.
Are these two separate products or will the install know that I
do not have Office and be okay with that? I don't want to buy
an Office FrontPage and then have the install fail because of my

Thanks in advance.


Stefan B Rusynko

1) Yes
2) Yes

| Before I buy FrontPage I need to verify some things. I created a
| few webpages the manual way in html before, and I was able to
| enter keywords into the "meta keywords" so search engines can
| find my website. Does FrontPage allow the user to add these
| keywords into the code? I assume so, but I hate to assume.
| I don't have Office on my PC, as I lost it during the XP install
| (don't ask). So I just want FrontPage, not FrontPage in Office.
| Are these two separate products or will the install know that I
| do not have Office and be okay with that? I don't want to buy
| an Office FrontPage and then have the install fail because of my
| configuration.
| Thanks in advance.
| Casey


Your first answer is clear, thanks. But I want to make sure I
understand your second answer. You are saying that the install
will be no problem, even with my lack of Office?



You can input the meta by typing the HTML direct.

Ref: the 2nd

FrontPage "whatever" version is the same as would be on
Office "whatever" version.

I presume you lost it and could not re-install because
the version of Office you had was pre-installed on your
PC and you do not have the CD's. Common problem I'm
afraid but you can purchase FrontPage by itself.



I presume you lost it and could not re-install because
the version of Office you had was pre-installed on your
PC and you do not have the CD's. Common problem I'm
afraid but you can purchase FrontPage by itself.

Yes, you presume correctly. Thanks for the answer.


Tom Miller

Before I buy FrontPage I need to verify some things. I created a
few webpages the manual way in html before, and I was able to
enter keywords into the "meta keywords" so search engines can
find my website. Does FrontPage allow the user to add these
keywords into the code?

You can either patch in the meta-tags in raw html mode, use the menus that
access meta-tags, or you can buy an add-on that does that. I just grab some
meta-tag boiler plate and paste it in there.

I don't have Office on my PC, as I lost it during the XP install
(don't ask). So I just want FrontPage, not FrontPage in Office.

I have installed FP2002 as a stand alone product and after I moved to
another machine where I had MS Office installed, it cheerfully went in and
replaced the FP2000 of the Office install. So I would say its friendly
flexible and failsafe on the install issue.


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