META "keywords"


Paul Kraemer


I want to add a line similar to <META name="keywords"
content="keyword1, keyword2, keyword3"> to my homepage to
help improve my chances of being found through the search
engines. My company builds coating and web handling
equipment. Should I enter my keywords as "coating, web
handling" or "coating, web, handling"? Does it make a
difference whether or not I put the comma between "web"
and "handling"?



The general consensus -- of reknowned experts such as Danny Sullivan via and others -- reports that Google and other search
engine providers no longer rank on meta tags as they have been used to cheat
or violate the coppyright and trademark laws. You should visit that site and
do lots of study.

<%= Clinton Gallagher

Jens Peter Karlsen[FP-MVP]

The comma is ignored so doesn't matter. You might want to omit it if you
have many keywords as there are a limit on the length of the meta tag.

Regards Jens Peter Karlsen. Microsoft MVP - Frontpage.

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Kraemer [mailto:[email protected]]
Posted At: 29. juli 2004 19:55
Posted To: microsoft.public.frontpage.programming
Conversation: META "keywords"
Subject: META "keywords"


I want to add a line similar to <META name="keywords"
content="keyword1, keyword2, keyword3"> to my homepage to help improve
my chances of being found through the search engines. My company builds
coating and web handling equipment. Should I enter my keywords as
"coating, web handling" or "coating, web, handling"? Does it make a
difference whether or not I put the comma between "web"
and "handling"?


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