meta-tag how to use with Front Page 2002



I wanted to know how to add meta tags and keywords to my web pages in
FrontPage2000 so my website can be found in search engines and how do I get
to the keyword section of the html code so that I can add the web sites
and discription at the beginning of the html code? Please Help!

Cowboy \(Gregory A. Beamer\)

For the meta tags, go to page properties and then the custom tag. Add user
variables for the keywords, etc.: The name is goes in the name="" part of
the meta tag, while the value goes in the content="" portion of the tag.

You can also edit the HTML directly, if you feel comfortable.

Gregory A. Beamer

Think Outside the Box!


I will try it.


Cowboy (Gregory A. Beamer) said:
For the meta tags, go to page properties and then the custom tag. Add user
variables for the keywords, etc.: The name is goes in the name="" part of
the meta tag, while the value goes in the content="" portion of the tag.

You can also edit the HTML directly, if you feel comfortable.

Gregory A. Beamer

Think Outside the Box!

P@tty Ayers

You might want to keep in mind that search engines generally ignore meta
keywords completely these days. They focus heavily on the text on your
actual page, so that's where you want to put the keywords.

Thomas A. Rowe

If you are going to use meta tags (keywords, descriptions) make sure the MATCH the viewable content
of the pages they appear on.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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