Metafile Pasting Problem


Scot McPherson

Hey Folks. I have an interesting problem. I have searched the group archives
and haven't found the issue so I am posing the problem here.

If I copy a selection of cells, and then try to paste special into word, I
sometimes do NOT get the option to paste metafile objects. The conditions
seem random, because if I close excel and word. Open the workbook up again
and open word again, I may be able to use metafile pasting this time, or
maybe not.

Sometimes I can paste metafile object, and then if I try to paste it again
into the same document I cannot. I have tried to mimic various conditions,
such as not using the keyboard to copy and paste, or copy and pasting
immediately. Copying with the context menu, copying wiht the edit menu. etc
etc etc.

I can't seem to get a grasp of the root cause or even a specific set of
circumstances where I can duplicate success or failure 100% of the time. It
seems to only succeed maybe 20% of the time (success meaning I have the
option to paste the excel selection as a metafile object).

Any help would be appreciated.


Scot McPherson

Sorry, but is there a reason why I never get responses on these forums? (not
just this one, but all of them that I have used). Sometimes I wonder if maybe
since I have already gone through troubleshooting and have such specific
problems that I am supporting that if I haven't solved them, then no one else
knows of the issue.

I am running Office 2003 SP3 with 2007 Compatibility Pack running on WinXP
SP2 and all critical and important patches including the GDI patches, which I
was wondering if the latest GDI patch might have something to do with this.

Any clues?


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