Metatags - DWT so that it may be altered on other pages



I have read all the previous messages and tried the suggestions but I must
be doing something wrong as it isn't saving and still shows an error. Would
someone please explain again how to do this remembering that you are talking
to a blonde! Does each instruction need to be on a seperate line - do i
first put in the meta regions via file / properties / variables or just type
in direct. Which section do I type in the amendments and should the text
appear in red or black type when done?

Stefan B Rusynko

In Code View in your DWT page it should look like this:

<!-- #BeginEditable "metadata" -->
<meta name="keywords" content="..">
<meta name="description" content="..">
<!-- #EndEditable -->

Where the .. above is the actual default data for each tag
- but you can then add the custom one for each page using Page Propertoes

| Hi
| I have read all the previous messages and tried the suggestions but I must
| be doing something wrong as it isn't saving and still shows an error. Would
| someone please explain again how to do this remembering that you are talking
| to a blonde! Does each instruction need to be on a seperate line - do i
| first put in the meta regions via file / properties / variables or just type
| in direct. Which section do I type in the amendments and should the text
| appear in red or black type when done?
| --
| Susan Harris Jones

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