Linking to specific cells in pivot table
Hi - for some reason this error (Method 'Display Alerts' of object
'_Application' failed) comes up when I execute a macro on a spreadsheet that
I have posted on my website. The error does not come up, however, when I
download the spreadsheet to my desktop, open the spreadsheet, and execute the
macro. The error comes up only when I open the spreadsheet and run it from
my Internet Explorer browser (the spreadsheet appears as if it is actually in
Internet Explorer, if that makes sense).
Any idea on why this would happen? Below is the code (I put in a comment on
the line where the error is occuring):
Sub cntryformula()
Dim cntrydayrange
Dim cntryreference
Application.DisplayAlerts = False 'this is where error is
Sheets("Processed Rate Sheet").delete
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Sheets("Rate Sum step 1").Copy Before:=Sheets(6)
Sheets("Rate Sum step 1 (2)").Name = "Processed Rate Sheet"
'_Application' failed) comes up when I execute a macro on a spreadsheet that
I have posted on my website. The error does not come up, however, when I
download the spreadsheet to my desktop, open the spreadsheet, and execute the
macro. The error comes up only when I open the spreadsheet and run it from
my Internet Explorer browser (the spreadsheet appears as if it is actually in
Internet Explorer, if that makes sense).
Any idea on why this would happen? Below is the code (I put in a comment on
the line where the error is occuring):
Sub cntryformula()
Dim cntrydayrange
Dim cntryreference
Application.DisplayAlerts = False 'this is where error is
Sheets("Processed Rate Sheet").delete
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Sheets("Rate Sum step 1").Copy Before:=Sheets(6)
Sheets("Rate Sum step 1 (2)").Name = "Processed Rate Sheet"