method or data member not found



I am getting this error message on the line below reading:"For each oRvs..."
with the word "revisions" highlighted. WHY? I have references set. I have
included some of the surrounding code - please HELP! THANKS!

Set oDoc = oApp.Documents.Item(1)
Dim strCurrDate As Date
strCurrDate = Forms!Approval!txtDate
oDoc.Variables("DateEdited").Value = strCurrDate
oDoc.Variables("ApprovedBy").Value = sText
.Options.DefaultFilePath(wdDocumentsPath) = strSavDir
'accepts deletions so they are not shown in approved doc
Dim oRvs As Revision
For Each oRvs In ActiveDocument.Revisions
If oRvs.type = wdRevisionDelete Then
End If

Ken Snell [MVP]

I think you are asking question about WORD macros... this is an ACCESS
newsgroup. I recommend that you post this question in a WORD group.


Ah, yes, I guess it would be considered a word macro - however, I am
executing it in Access, so that's why I had it here. I will repost in word,
but if anyone has any suggestions with this new piece of information, I'd be

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