hey, I'm kinda new at Macros and I'm not sure how to fix this error.
here is my code..sorry for the lack of comments, I haven't finished
them yet.
when I hit 'debug' it highlights the last line before End Sub. Oh, and
this doesn't happen with all the inputs, just some.
Sub Copy()
' This Macros allows the user to simply select their
' Choices from a listbox and hit a button to send data to the
' appropriate worksheets.
Dim Cell
Dim Destination
Dim Number
Dim getfrom
Dim Address
Dim GetProg
Dim GetNum
Dim GetMonth
Dim GetMonthLet
' this tells the macros what worksheet to send the data to
getfrom = Range("F7")
Number = getfrom + 6
Address = Range("C" & Number)
GetProg = Range("G7")
If GetProg < 17 Then
DestNum = GetProg + 9
ElseIf GetProg = 17 Then
DestNum = 34
ElseIf GetProg = 18 Then
DestNum = 39
End If
GetMonth = Range("H7")
If GetMonth = 1 Then
GetMonthLet = "D"
ElseIf GetMonth = 2 Then
GetMonthLet = "E"
ElseIf GetMonth = 3 Then
GetMonthLet = "F"
ElseIf GetMonth = 4 Then
GetMonthLet = "G"
ElseIf GetMonth = 5 Then
GetMonthLet = "H"
ElseIf GetMonth = 6 Then
GetMonthLet = "I"
ElseIf GetMonth = 7 Then
GetMonthLet = "J"
ElseIf GetMonth = 8 Then
GetMonthLet = "K"
ElseIf GetMonth = 9 Then
GetMonthLet = "L"
ElseIf GetMonth = 10 Then
GetMonthLet = "M"
ElseIf GetMonth = 11 Then
GetMonthLet = "N"
ElseIf GetMonth = 12 Then
GetMonthLet = "O"
ElseIf GetMonth = 13 Then
GetMonthLet = "D"
ElseIf GetMonth = 14 Then
GetMonthLet = "E"
ElseIf GetMonth = 15 Then
GetMonthLet = "F"
End If
Destination = Address & "!" & GetMonthLet & DestNum
Range("I7").Copy Destination:=Range(Destination)
End Sub
here is my code..sorry for the lack of comments, I haven't finished
them yet.
when I hit 'debug' it highlights the last line before End Sub. Oh, and
this doesn't happen with all the inputs, just some.
Sub Copy()
' This Macros allows the user to simply select their
' Choices from a listbox and hit a button to send data to the
' appropriate worksheets.
Dim Cell
Dim Destination
Dim Number
Dim getfrom
Dim Address
Dim GetProg
Dim GetNum
Dim GetMonth
Dim GetMonthLet
' this tells the macros what worksheet to send the data to
getfrom = Range("F7")
Number = getfrom + 6
Address = Range("C" & Number)
GetProg = Range("G7")
If GetProg < 17 Then
DestNum = GetProg + 9
ElseIf GetProg = 17 Then
DestNum = 34
ElseIf GetProg = 18 Then
DestNum = 39
End If
GetMonth = Range("H7")
If GetMonth = 1 Then
GetMonthLet = "D"
ElseIf GetMonth = 2 Then
GetMonthLet = "E"
ElseIf GetMonth = 3 Then
GetMonthLet = "F"
ElseIf GetMonth = 4 Then
GetMonthLet = "G"
ElseIf GetMonth = 5 Then
GetMonthLet = "H"
ElseIf GetMonth = 6 Then
GetMonthLet = "I"
ElseIf GetMonth = 7 Then
GetMonthLet = "J"
ElseIf GetMonth = 8 Then
GetMonthLet = "K"
ElseIf GetMonth = 9 Then
GetMonthLet = "L"
ElseIf GetMonth = 10 Then
GetMonthLet = "M"
ElseIf GetMonth = 11 Then
GetMonthLet = "N"
ElseIf GetMonth = 12 Then
GetMonthLet = "O"
ElseIf GetMonth = 13 Then
GetMonthLet = "D"
ElseIf GetMonth = 14 Then
GetMonthLet = "E"
ElseIf GetMonth = 15 Then
GetMonthLet = "F"
End If
Destination = Address & "!" & GetMonthLet & DestNum
Range("I7").Copy Destination:=Range(Destination)
End Sub