methods aren't being listed.



I want to setfocus on the customerid field and when I put
the period in all I get for choices is value. I tried
going up under the tools, then references and Microsoft
DOA 3.6 Object Library is checked off... isn't this what's
going to give me my list of methods?

Please advise, thanks Maura


Private Sub cmdAddRecord_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdAddRecord_Click

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

customerid. (can't bring up setfocus)

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdAddRecord_Click

Dan Artuso

If you type Me. do you get customerid as a choice?
Are you sure this is a control on your form?

The Access library is what gives you the SetFocus method, not DAO.


Hi Dan,

Okay, if I type Me. I get a list of the methods... so I
know they are there, but it is not listing the customerid
as a choice what am I missing? Do I need to set the
customerid as a control... and how do I do that.

Thank you, M.
-----Original Message-----
If you type Me. do you get customerid as a choice?
Are you sure this is a control on your form?

The Access library is what gives you the SetFocus method, not DAO.

Dan Artuso, Access MVP

"maura" <[email protected]> wrote in
message news:[email protected]...

Dan Artuso

I'm not clear on your question. You can only set focus to controls,not fields.
When you type Me. all controls on your form will appear in the intelisense
list. Just pick the one you want to set focus to.

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