MHTML Reader? - Can't read with IE, Emailing pages doesn't work we



I have never had good success sending my ON pages by email. What is the trick?

Few people I know have ON, so .one files are not an option. When I
"publish" pages, I get a MHTML file & save it. I can open it in IE by
double-clicking on it, or open directly in IE. It looks great. However,
when I send the MHTML as an email attachment (unencrypted), the recipients
can't read it with either IE or alternate browsers. This happens whether I
send via different email accounts, use different ON programs and pages
running on different computers, and regardless of the recipients' email
provider. I would appreciate help using this feature.

When I use the ON feature of sending pages by email to people who don't have
ON, I can read all mailed pages in my copy of the mail's body. However,
recipients receive only the FIRST sent page when they view their email. To
get 5 pages or subpages through, I have to send each as a separate email.

I'm frustrated about not being able to send pages. What should I check?
What to try next? Work-arounds? Does anyone have a ON reader?

email it to yourself and try to open it up on a few computers that do
not have OneNote.
see what happens. it might be OneNote .. it might be your recipients.



I forgot to mention experiments I have already conducted:

I created a test 'page' in ON that had about 6 subpages. These pages had
mostly ink on them, some typed text, and a small image insert. No sound or
video portions, and no external links. I also did not include a background
graphic to ink over.

My own computer is XP Pro with Office 2003, and OneNote. I have some other
computers available & used those to emulate external recipient machines.
Machine 2 is XP Home, Office 2003, and no ON installed. Machine 3 is XP
Media with Office 2003 and with OneNote installed. All machines had all
updates and service packs applied and have no known malfunctions.

1. I used ON' s File | Send To | email Recipient function to create OL 2003
email with the ON pages in the body and a .ONE file as an attachment (1MB).

I used my yahoo account, gmail account, and college email account (via OL's
Account function) to send the email to myself at each of these same accounts.
In all cases, the email was sent and received to OL okay, with an attachment.

In all cases, I could read the body of the email and the .one attachment
perfectly on my own computer.

When I tried to read the email body on Machine 2 and Machine 3, however, the
first two pages displayed okay, but then the display was a bunch of image
boxes with no image in them. The icon in the box was a square graphic with a
circle, square, and triangle in it. When I would click or double click, no
further ink or images were displayed, and no error message was displayed. On
Machine 3, a variation of this display occurred. The icon in some of the
first boxes was a red X. When I clicked on these & selected 'show picture,'
a line or two of ink would display.

When I emailed only 1 page from OneNote, the body was perfectly readable via
OL, and there were no image placeholder boxes. The .one file was perfect for
that page. I tried two other single pages through email with equally good

2. My second experiment employed the OneNote File | Publish Pages command.
This resulted in a .mht file. When I emailed the file via and to the
combination of my email accounts, my results were different.

When I viewed the .mht file on my own computer, IE launched and displayed
it. The pages were all proesent, but some of the ink was misplaced on the
page, often overwriting other ink and giving an overlap or scrunched

In one combination of email accounts (Yahoo sending to Gmail), the
attachment received by Machine 2 and 3's OL was a .zm8 format. When I
double-clicked on it, an OL message box opened and all that was displayed
were imabe box placeholders with all red-X icons. When I clicked on the
red-X icons, I did not have a 'show picture' option. Thus, I couldn't read
the file at all. Interestingly, this messsage box indicated over 100 small
..gif files were attached. When I opened one of those files in an image
viewer, it was a line of ink from the original document. I could not figure
out how to get all lines to re-construct the original pages, however.

BOTTOM LINE for me is that I can only send OneNote information to external
recipients via the email option with only 1 page being created. To send a 10
page OneNote section, I have to generate 10 separate emails (w no .one

What am I doing wrong? What can I try next. Certainly, tere must be a way
to make OneNot function as advertised.

Thanks, Dave

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