MICR check writing with Word


Jag Man

I'm thinking about getting a MICR font and attempting to do a Word template
or VBA application to write checks on blank check stock. Before starting,
I though I'd look around to see if someone has already done this...
or something?

Information, suggestions, and comments welcome.



Charles Kenyon

You will almost certainly need MICR toner or ink for your printer as well.
I've used VersaCheck Add-In software for doing this but out-of-the-box the
checks it produces are not very good looking. (There may be more recent
versions that do a better job.) They do work if used with the proper
toner/ink, though.

Jag Man

Thanks, Charles. I also used VersaCheck a number of years ago, and hated it.
I don't remember the details, but there was a bug of some kind resulting
in it not doing something it was supposed to. When I called their support
number I was told, "sorry, there is no guarantee".

Regarding MICR, I'm told that many processing centers now use optical
reading equipment so the magnetic toner is superfolous. But I realize I'll
to take a few checks to my bank and have them tested.

Tnaks again.



I agree with Charles. However, I'm going to go a step
farther and say that not only do you need MICR toner, but
your printer needs to be MICR capable. You will need to
go to your printer's website or possibly ask customer
service if your printer is capable. I've noticed that
many of the new printers on the market now actually
specify whether or not they are MICR capable in the spec

Now for VersaCheck. I've been using it for years, and I
love it. I wouldn't kill myself to create a Word macro
for this. VersaCheck's not that expensive ($13), and you
can create setups for as many checking accounts as you
need. It will also print deposit slips. You can purchase
the blank checks right off the shelf at a business supply
store. I've been printing my personal checks on my cheap
little inkjet printer. Even though it's not MICR capable,
the bank doesn't reject the checks, but they do need
to "cancel" them by hand. However, if you are doing this
for a business, I would recommend a MICR-capable printer
so you don't torture the bank.

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