Microsoft 2003 - Spell Check Error



Hi All,
My parents are using Microsoft 2003 on an old desktop barely
running XP (400mhz). My dad has written a document that is 400ish
pages and contains many ukrainian words written in the english
language. These cause a ton of spelling errors that usually are red
underlined showing incorrect spelling.
However, it seems there are so many mispelled words that when
I set the settings to "Check Spelling as you Type" I recieve an error
that states "Too many words mispelled in document" and Word reverts
back to the "Too many Spelling Errors in this Document". I checked
the document on my laptop the issue doesnt come up and is it
may deal with the processing speed?

Does anyone have any ways of solving this problem? I know
thje easy work-around of splitting into multiple documents but was
hoping to solve the issue for good! Thanks in advance for all the

- Mike

Suzanne S. Barnhill

My approach to this issue is to define a character style that is "Default
Paragraph Font + Do not check spelling or grammar" and apply it to the
non-English words. Once you've eliminated the words that can't be
"corrected," you'll be left with the actual "errors" in English, which Word
should be able to handle.

FWIW, I'm not sure it has to do with processing speed, either (although that
would be a reasonable guess). I have a practically brand-new system (less
than one year old) that was the top of the line when I got it, and I had a
document recently with a lot of ghetto dialect in which Word plugged along
valiantly for several hundred pages and then gave up the effort and wouldn't
show the errors. That's when I created a couple of "no proofing" character
styles for proper names and the dialect.

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