Robert Nusz
I would like to use Microsoft Access 2003 as a front-end
to Mainframe Z/OS system and DB/2 tables. Is there anyone
out here in this news group that has been there and done
that? If so, what kind of success stories can be
related? Where can I get example code of what needs to be
done to define the table space access, does this happen
via the wizard's? Any input would be greatly
appreciated. We are running DB/2 7.1 on the mainframe,
and DB2/UDB DB2 Client 7.1 and 8.1 on the servers. Are
desktop units are running Ms/Access 2003 Professional,
Windows 2000 Professional op/system at service pack 3.
What else needs to be done to gain access from desktop
Ms/Access applications to DB2 mainframe table spaces?
Thanks in advance..
to Mainframe Z/OS system and DB/2 tables. Is there anyone
out here in this news group that has been there and done
that? If so, what kind of success stories can be
related? Where can I get example code of what needs to be
done to define the table space access, does this happen
via the wizard's? Any input would be greatly
appreciated. We are running DB/2 7.1 on the mainframe,
and DB2/UDB DB2 Client 7.1 and 8.1 on the servers. Are
desktop units are running Ms/Access 2003 Professional,
Windows 2000 Professional op/system at service pack 3.
What else needs to be done to gain access from desktop
Ms/Access applications to DB2 mainframe table spaces?
Thanks in advance..