Microsoft Access



I use an Access report to print report cards at our
school and I moved the report card file to a new XP
computer and I need to change the "path" so it can find
the files that I imported and want to add to the Report
card. Any suggestions how to change the path of the data
I want to access???

John Vinson

I use an Access report to print report cards at our
school and I moved the report card file to a new XP
computer and I need to change the "path" so it can find
the files that I imported and want to add to the Report
card. Any suggestions how to change the path of the data
I want to access???

It's not at all clear what you want the path *to*. What is "the report
card file"? an Access .mdb database containing the data and the
application? a text file? an Access .mdb "backend" to which you are
trying to link a frontend? Please post some more details.

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