Microsoft Asssistant Balloons



I have created a modeless Microsoft Assistant balloon lesson to which I have
assigned 'Next' and 'Back' and 'Close' buttons in case the user wants to go
back and forth in the lesson.

I have (I think properly) assigned the Close button to perform a 'bln.close'
and even (out of desperation) included a 'Set bln =Nothing' line. But (after
going back and forth from lesson 1 to 2 back to 1 back to 2 about 5 times to
test the routine) when I press the 'Close' button to close the lesson, it
goes back to the previous balloon, and when I close that one it goes back to
the previous balloon, etc, 4 times.

The notes in MSHelp re: the 'Close' function says:
Closes and dismisses a modeless balloon, but doesn't release the object
variable. The object variable assigned to the balloon is still valid- you
can display it again, or you can modify it and display it later. You can use
this method only on modeless balloons.

Okay, I can accept that, but how do I release the object variable. I thought
that's what "Set (objvar) = Nothing" was all about.

Any help would, as always, be greatly appreciated.


Word Heretic

G'day "Ed" <[email protected]>,

Many people refuse to install the Ass istant, so we generally avoid
using it for solutions. Instead, use a userform.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic

steve from (Email replies require payment)
Without prejudice

Ed reckoned:

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