Can someone please help me try to figure this out?
I'm using Win2000 on a pentium 5, running microsoft office 97.
Suddenly all the clips I downloaded and painstakingly categorized are
now GONE!
What happened?
I had my clips located in a few places..
why does it need so many different places???
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Downloaded
After I download a bunch of clips and install them, may I then delete
the downloaded file?
Do the clips in the downloaded files get "installed anywhere"?
How does this usually work?
Thanks, New
I'm using Win2000 on a pentium 5, running microsoft office 97.
Suddenly all the clips I downloaded and painstakingly categorized are
now GONE!
What happened?
I had my clips located in a few places..
why does it need so many different places???
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Downloaded
After I download a bunch of clips and install them, may I then delete
the downloaded file?
Do the clips in the downloaded files get "installed anywhere"?
How does this usually work?
Thanks, New