Microsoft Code Errors Out??



I needed to use a datasource for a report so I found this microsoft
article and based my code off of theirs:;en-us;132881

When my code gets to step 12, it errors out at rs.bookmark = pagestart

"Run time error 3001: Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of
acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another"

It's getting pagestart and rs.bookmark from Detail_Format and erroring
out in Detail_Print.... any ideas?? Thanks.

Here's my code, sorry it's a lot:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

'Report data source
Private reportData As DataSource

Private fm As New FormManager

Dim rs As Recordset
Dim PageStart As Integer
Dim m_sourceData As String

Private Sub PageHeaderSection_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As
Dim i As Integer

'Prints key so users can understand what all the fields are
Me.CurrentY = i * (1440 * (65 / 100))
Me.CurrentX = 0
Me.Print "Off.ID"; ' or [Company Name] in Microsoft
' Access 2.0
'Me.CurrentY = i * (1440 * (65 / 100))
Me.CurrentX = 450
Me.Print "Offering Name";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 3.5
Me.Print "Offering Category";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 4.75
Me.Print "Offering SubCategory";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 6.25
Me.Print "Offering Group";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 10.5
Me.Print "Position Indicator"
'Line 2
Me.CurrentX = 470
'Me.CurrentY = (i + 0.2) * (1440 * (2 / 3))
Me.Print "Launch Point"
'Line 3
'Me.CurrentY = (i + 0.4) * (1440 * (2 / 3))
Me.CurrentX = 460
Me.Print "Application Type";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 1.5
Me.Print "Dual Facing";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 3.5
Me.Print "Verify";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 4.75
Me.Print "AppID";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 7
Me.Print "Context";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 8
Me.Print "Tool Tip";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 9
Me.Print "Hot Key";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 10
Me.Print "Criteria"
'Line 4
Me.CurrentX = 460
Me.Print "Transaction Context Info"
'Line 5
Me.CurrentX = 460
Me.Print "Version";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 1.5
Me.Print "Last Modified";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 2.25
Me.Print "Modified By";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 3.5
Me.Print "Release Name"
End Sub

Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)

Set rs = Forms!DisplayOfferings.reportData

End Sub

Private Sub ReportHeader_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As

' To reset the pointer to the first record in the recordset.
' To set the unit of measure, font, and font size used in the
' report.
Me.ScaleMode = 1 ' twips
'Me.FontName = "Arial"
'Me.FontSize = 12

End Sub

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
' 1. Determines how many pages are needed for the report and
' sets the NextRecord and MoveLayout properties accordingly.
' 2. To save the bookmark to the first record that is printed
' on the current page when the FormatCount property is an odd
' number.

Dim i As Integer
If FormatCount Mod 2 = 1 Then
If Not rs.EOF Then
PageStart = rs.Bookmark
i = 0
Do While Not rs.EOF And i < 9
i = i + 1
End If
End If
Me.NextRecord = rs.EOF
Me.MoveLayout = Not rs.EOF
End Sub

Private Sub Detail_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
'Prints report
' To return to the first record for that page.
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
rs.Bookmark = PageStart

' To add a border around the entire page.
Me.Line (0, 0)-(Me.Width, Me.Section(0).Height), , B

' To print a page's worth of data using
' .5 inches (720 twips) per record.
Do While Not rs.EOF And i < 9
Me.CurrentY = i * (1440 * (65 / 100))
Me.CurrentX = 0
Me.Print rs![OfferingID]; ' or [Company Name] in Microsoft
' Access 2.0
Me.CurrentX = 450
Me.Print rs![OfferingName];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 3.5
Me.Print rs![OfferingCategory];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 4.75
Me.Print rs![OfferingSubCategory];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 6.25
Me.Print rs![OfferingGroup];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 10.5
Me.Print rs![PositionIndicator]
'Line 2
Me.CurrentX = 470
'Me.CurrentY = (i + 0.2) * (1440 * (2 / 3))
Me.Print rs![LaunchPoint]
'Line 3
'Me.CurrentY = (i + 0.4) * (1440 * (2 / 3))
Me.CurrentX = 460
Me.Print rs![ApplicationType];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 1.5
Me.Print rs![DualFacing];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 3.5
Me.Print rs![Verify];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 4.75
Me.Print rs![AppID];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 7
Me.Print rs![Context];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 8
Me.Print rs![ToolTip];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 9
Me.Print rs![HotKey];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 10
Me.Print rs![Criteria]
'Line 4
Me.CurrentX = 460
Me.Print rs![TransactionContextInfo]
'Line 5
Me.CurrentX = 460
Me.Print rs![Version];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 1.5
Me.Print rs![LastModified];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 2.25
Me.Print rs![ModifiedBy];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 3.5
Me.Print rs![ReleaseName];

i = i + 1

If i <> 9 Then
Me.Line (0, ((i * (1440 * (65 / 100))) - 2.5))-(Me.Width, ((i *
(1440 * (65 / 100))) - 2.5))
End If


End Sub

Private Sub Report_Close()

' To close the recordset when the report has been printed.

End Sub

Allen Browne

Goodnesss! Where'd you drag that one up from? We are talking ancient. :)

At step 3, try changing the PageStart type from String to Variant, i.e.:
Dim db As Database, rs As Recordset, PageStart As Variant

A bookmark is Variant consisting by a byte array.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

James said:
I needed to use a datasource for a report so I found this microsoft
article and based my code off of theirs:;en-us;132881

When my code gets to step 12, it errors out at rs.bookmark = pagestart

"Run time error 3001: Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of
acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another"

It's getting pagestart and rs.bookmark from Detail_Format and erroring
out in Detail_Print.... any ideas?? Thanks.

Here's my code, sorry it's a lot:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

'Report data source
Private reportData As DataSource

Private fm As New FormManager

Dim rs As Recordset
Dim PageStart As Integer
Dim m_sourceData As String

Private Sub PageHeaderSection_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As
Dim i As Integer

'Prints key so users can understand what all the fields are
Me.CurrentY = i * (1440 * (65 / 100))
Me.CurrentX = 0
Me.Print "Off.ID"; ' or [Company Name] in Microsoft
' Access 2.0
'Me.CurrentY = i * (1440 * (65 / 100))
Me.CurrentX = 450
Me.Print "Offering Name";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 3.5
Me.Print "Offering Category";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 4.75
Me.Print "Offering SubCategory";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 6.25
Me.Print "Offering Group";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 10.5
Me.Print "Position Indicator"
'Line 2
Me.CurrentX = 470
'Me.CurrentY = (i + 0.2) * (1440 * (2 / 3))
Me.Print "Launch Point"
'Line 3
'Me.CurrentY = (i + 0.4) * (1440 * (2 / 3))
Me.CurrentX = 460
Me.Print "Application Type";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 1.5
Me.Print "Dual Facing";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 3.5
Me.Print "Verify";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 4.75
Me.Print "AppID";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 7
Me.Print "Context";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 8
Me.Print "Tool Tip";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 9
Me.Print "Hot Key";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 10
Me.Print "Criteria"
'Line 4
Me.CurrentX = 460
Me.Print "Transaction Context Info"
'Line 5
Me.CurrentX = 460
Me.Print "Version";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 1.5
Me.Print "Last Modified";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 2.25
Me.Print "Modified By";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 3.5
Me.Print "Release Name"
End Sub

Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)

Set rs = Forms!DisplayOfferings.reportData

End Sub

Private Sub ReportHeader_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As

' To reset the pointer to the first record in the recordset.
' To set the unit of measure, font, and font size used in the
' report.
Me.ScaleMode = 1 ' twips
'Me.FontName = "Arial"
'Me.FontSize = 12

End Sub

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
' 1. Determines how many pages are needed for the report and
' sets the NextRecord and MoveLayout properties accordingly.
' 2. To save the bookmark to the first record that is printed
' on the current page when the FormatCount property is an odd
' number.

Dim i As Integer
If FormatCount Mod 2 = 1 Then
If Not rs.EOF Then
PageStart = rs.Bookmark
i = 0
Do While Not rs.EOF And i < 9
i = i + 1
End If
End If
Me.NextRecord = rs.EOF
Me.MoveLayout = Not rs.EOF
End Sub

Private Sub Detail_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
'Prints report
' To return to the first record for that page.
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
rs.Bookmark = PageStart

' To add a border around the entire page.
Me.Line (0, 0)-(Me.Width, Me.Section(0).Height), , B

' To print a page's worth of data using
' .5 inches (720 twips) per record.
Do While Not rs.EOF And i < 9
Me.CurrentY = i * (1440 * (65 / 100))
Me.CurrentX = 0
Me.Print rs![OfferingID]; ' or [Company Name] in Microsoft
' Access 2.0
Me.CurrentX = 450
Me.Print rs![OfferingName];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 3.5
Me.Print rs![OfferingCategory];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 4.75
Me.Print rs![OfferingSubCategory];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 6.25
Me.Print rs![OfferingGroup];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 10.5
Me.Print rs![PositionIndicator]
'Line 2
Me.CurrentX = 470
'Me.CurrentY = (i + 0.2) * (1440 * (2 / 3))
Me.Print rs![LaunchPoint]
'Line 3
'Me.CurrentY = (i + 0.4) * (1440 * (2 / 3))
Me.CurrentX = 460
Me.Print rs![ApplicationType];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 1.5
Me.Print rs![DualFacing];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 3.5
Me.Print rs![Verify];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 4.75
Me.Print rs![AppID];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 7
Me.Print rs![Context];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 8
Me.Print rs![ToolTip];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 9
Me.Print rs![HotKey];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 10
Me.Print rs![Criteria]
'Line 4
Me.CurrentX = 460
Me.Print rs![TransactionContextInfo]
'Line 5
Me.CurrentX = 460
Me.Print rs![Version];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 1.5
Me.Print rs![LastModified];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 2.25
Me.Print rs![ModifiedBy];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 3.5
Me.Print rs![ReleaseName];

i = i + 1

If i <> 9 Then
Me.Line (0, ((i * (1440 * (65 / 100))) - 2.5))-(Me.Width, ((i *
(1440 * (65 / 100))) - 2.5))
End If


End Sub

Private Sub Report_Close()

' To close the recordset when the report has been printed.

End Sub


Perfect! Yeah, I know its really ancient. It was the only way I could
find to pull a recordset into a report, apparently access doesn't
support the .recordset property in reports, go figure. Anyways, thanks
so much, it works perfect now.

Allen said:
Goodnesss! Where'd you drag that one up from? We are talking ancient. :)

At step 3, try changing the PageStart type from String to Variant, i.e.:
Dim db As Database, rs As Recordset, PageStart As Variant

A bookmark is Variant consisting by a byte array.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

James said:
I needed to use a datasource for a report so I found this microsoft
article and based my code off of theirs:;en-us;132881

When my code gets to step 12, it errors out at rs.bookmark = pagestart

"Run time error 3001: Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of
acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another"

It's getting pagestart and rs.bookmark from Detail_Format and erroring
out in Detail_Print.... any ideas?? Thanks.

Here's my code, sorry it's a lot:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

'Report data source
Private reportData As DataSource

Private fm As New FormManager

Dim rs As Recordset
Dim PageStart As Integer
Dim m_sourceData As String

Private Sub PageHeaderSection_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As
Dim i As Integer

'Prints key so users can understand what all the fields are
Me.CurrentY = i * (1440 * (65 / 100))
Me.CurrentX = 0
Me.Print "Off.ID"; ' or [Company Name] in Microsoft
' Access 2.0
'Me.CurrentY = i * (1440 * (65 / 100))
Me.CurrentX = 450
Me.Print "Offering Name";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 3.5
Me.Print "Offering Category";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 4.75
Me.Print "Offering SubCategory";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 6.25
Me.Print "Offering Group";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 10.5
Me.Print "Position Indicator"
'Line 2
Me.CurrentX = 470
'Me.CurrentY = (i + 0.2) * (1440 * (2 / 3))
Me.Print "Launch Point"
'Line 3
'Me.CurrentY = (i + 0.4) * (1440 * (2 / 3))
Me.CurrentX = 460
Me.Print "Application Type";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 1.5
Me.Print "Dual Facing";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 3.5
Me.Print "Verify";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 4.75
Me.Print "AppID";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 7
Me.Print "Context";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 8
Me.Print "Tool Tip";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 9
Me.Print "Hot Key";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 10
Me.Print "Criteria"
'Line 4
Me.CurrentX = 460
Me.Print "Transaction Context Info"
'Line 5
Me.CurrentX = 460
Me.Print "Version";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 1.5
Me.Print "Last Modified";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 2.25
Me.Print "Modified By";
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 3.5
Me.Print "Release Name"
End Sub

Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)

Set rs = Forms!DisplayOfferings.reportData

End Sub

Private Sub ReportHeader_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As

' To reset the pointer to the first record in the recordset.
' To set the unit of measure, font, and font size used in the
' report.
Me.ScaleMode = 1 ' twips
'Me.FontName = "Arial"
'Me.FontSize = 12

End Sub

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
' 1. Determines how many pages are needed for the report and
' sets the NextRecord and MoveLayout properties accordingly.
' 2. To save the bookmark to the first record that is printed
' on the current page when the FormatCount property is an odd
' number.

Dim i As Integer
If FormatCount Mod 2 = 1 Then
If Not rs.EOF Then
PageStart = rs.Bookmark
i = 0
Do While Not rs.EOF And i < 9
i = i + 1
End If
End If
Me.NextRecord = rs.EOF
Me.MoveLayout = Not rs.EOF
End Sub

Private Sub Detail_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
'Prints report
' To return to the first record for that page.
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
rs.Bookmark = PageStart

' To add a border around the entire page.
Me.Line (0, 0)-(Me.Width, Me.Section(0).Height), , B

' To print a page's worth of data using
' .5 inches (720 twips) per record.
Do While Not rs.EOF And i < 9
Me.CurrentY = i * (1440 * (65 / 100))
Me.CurrentX = 0
Me.Print rs![OfferingID]; ' or [Company Name] in Microsoft
' Access 2.0
Me.CurrentX = 450
Me.Print rs![OfferingName];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 3.5
Me.Print rs![OfferingCategory];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 4.75
Me.Print rs![OfferingSubCategory];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 6.25
Me.Print rs![OfferingGroup];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 10.5
Me.Print rs![PositionIndicator]
'Line 2
Me.CurrentX = 470
'Me.CurrentY = (i + 0.2) * (1440 * (2 / 3))
Me.Print rs![LaunchPoint]
'Line 3
'Me.CurrentY = (i + 0.4) * (1440 * (2 / 3))
Me.CurrentX = 460
Me.Print rs![ApplicationType];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 1.5
Me.Print rs![DualFacing];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 3.5
Me.Print rs![Verify];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 4.75
Me.Print rs![AppID];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 7
Me.Print rs![Context];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 8
Me.Print rs![ToolTip];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 9
Me.Print rs![HotKey];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 10
Me.Print rs![Criteria]
'Line 4
Me.CurrentX = 460
Me.Print rs![TransactionContextInfo]
'Line 5
Me.CurrentX = 460
Me.Print rs![Version];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 1.5
Me.Print rs![LastModified];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 2.25
Me.Print rs![ModifiedBy];
Me.CurrentX = 1440 * 3.5
Me.Print rs![ReleaseName];

i = i + 1

If i <> 9 Then
Me.Line (0, ((i * (1440 * (65 / 100))) - 2.5))-(Me.Width, ((i *
(1440 * (65 / 100))) - 2.5))
End If


End Sub

Private Sub Report_Close()

' To close the recordset when the report has been printed.

End Sub


apparently access doesn't
support the .recordset property in reports, go figure.

Starting with the 2002 version, it does, but unfortunately only in
not mdbs.

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