Microsoft.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand CommandText MAX length.



Below is an example of a VERY long SQL command generated by an Add-In.
My question is does anyone know if there is a maximum size imposed by either
the Microsoft.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand field or the
Microsoft.Data.Odbc.ExecuteNonQuery() command?

I'm afraid if the query gets too big, an OdbcExcpetion will be thrown. Not
sure what the limit is?

<<<< SQL Example SNIP >>>

INSERT INTO dtens_lqm_fw_queues_budgetstoryqueue_v1_cls.TransferQueue
(Action, EventName, EventLocation, FromEmail, Attendees, EventStartDate,
EventStopDate, Memo, ExchUniqueId) VALUES ('CHANGE', 'Here''s the Media
Story', 'Mtns, Utah', '(e-mail address removed)', '(e-mail address removed);',
'8/21/2009 2:00:00 PM', '8/21/2009 2:30:00 PM', '<<ABCSTORY>>
Min Story Depth:5
Max Story Depth:12
Budget Summary:Here’s a budget summary
Edition Name:Daily Experience
Page Name:Back
Department Name:News
Event Name:Inauguration Day
Run Date:01/20/2009
Media Type:photo
Number of Photos:12
Budget Run Date:03/01/2009
Contact Name:gg
Contact Phone:555-4444
Address:123 Street
Directions:There and back again.
Notes:Some notes
Story Name:Some story name.

<<<< SQL Example END >>>>

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