"Microsoft Entourage Has Encountered a Problem and Needs to Close. We are Sorry for The Inconveniece



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: pop

I have a MacBook Pro with OSX 10.5.8 (Leopard), Intel and Microsoft Office 2008. I use Entourage 2008 for all my four email accounts (two personal and two business accounts). I have been having problems with Entourage as of late since it displays an error message every time I start Entourage with the following message: "Microsoft Entourage Has Encountered a Problem and Needs to Close. We are Sorry for The Inconvenience."

I NEED HELP WITH THIS ISSUE AS I NEED ENTOURAGE FOR WORK!!!!! ALL HELP IS APPRECIATED!!! I'm tech savy, but I am fairly new with Mac (4 years) and I'm still learning the ins and outs of the OS.

This is the error log:

Microsoft Error Reporting log version: 2.0

Error Signature:
Date/Time: 2009-09-27 20:08:06 -0400
Application Name: Microsoft Entourage
Application Bundle ID: com.microsoft.Entourage
Application Signature: OPIM
Application Version:
Crashed Module Name: libSystem.B.dylib
Crashed Module Version: unknown
Crashed Module Offset: 0x0000b4ee
Blame Module Name: libSystem.B.dylib
Blame Module Version: unknown
Blame Module Offset: 0x0000b4ee
Application LCID: 1033
Extra app info: Reg=en Loc=0x0409

Thread 0 crashed:

# 1 0x952f64ee in _signgam + 0x9514F5CA (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x0000b4ee)
# 2 0x952f2f46 in _signgam + 0x9514C022 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x00007f46)
# 3 0x952f238d in _signgam + 0x9514B469 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x0000738d)
# 4 0x19e05f5c in cSFile::mClose() + 0x0000021A (SpanishSpeller + 0x00005f5c)
# 5 0x19e1d050 in TUserDictionary::mLoadDictionary() + 0x00000D6E (SpanishSpeller + 0x0001d050)
# 6 0x19e11256 in _Spell_OpenDic + 0x0000041C (SpanishSpeller + 0x00011256)
# 7 0x19e07949 in _SpellerOpenLex + 0x00000059 (SpanishSpeller + 0x00007949)
# 8 0x010a6aa0 in _ProofInit + 0x000001A2 (MicrosoftComponentPlugin + 0x00137aa0)
# 9 0x01a49d3a in CSpell::OpenUserDictionary() + 0x00000110 (EntourageLegacy + 0x00137d3a)
# 10 0x01a4a496 in CSpell::UpdateFromPrefs() + 0x00000192 (EntourageLegacy + 0x00138496)
# 11 0x01a4a4f0 in CSpell::InitializeSpell(unsigned short, FSSpec*, FSSpec*, FSSpec*, WizSpecChars*) + 0x00000050 (EntourageLegacy + 0x001384f0)
# 12 0x01a4933e in CProofing::CreateSpell(unsigned short, unsigned char) + 0x000000EC (EntourageLegacy + 0x0013733e)
# 13 0x01a4961a in CProofing::FindSpell(unsigned short) + 0x00000068 (EntourageLegacy + 0x0013761a)
# 14 0x01a498a2 in CProofing::InitializeProofing(unsigned char*) + 0x000000A4 (EntourageLegacy + 0x001378a2)
# 15 0x0002741d in __mh_execute_header + 0x0002641D (Microsoft Entourage + 0x0002641d)
# 16 0x00027b87 in __mh_execute_header + 0x00026B87 (Microsoft Entourage + 0x00026b87)
# 17 0x000282ea in __mh_execute_header + 0x000272EA (Microsoft Entourage + 0x000272ea)
# 18 0x0001514a in __mh_execute_header + 0x0001414A (Microsoft Entourage + 0x0001414a)
# 19 0x0001b150 in __mh_execute_header + 0x0001A150 (Microsoft Entourage + 0x0001a150)
# 20 0x012b772e in LApplication::Run() + 0x0000002C (PowerPlant + 0x0006f72e)
# 21 0x00019b01 in __mh_execute_header + 0x00018B01 (Microsoft Entourage + 0x00018b01)
# 22 0x0000268e in __mh_execute_header + 0x0000168E (Microsoft Entourage + 0x0000168e)
# 23 0x000025b5 in __mh_execute_header + 0x000015B5 (Microsoft Entourage + 0x000015b5)

X86 Thread State:
eax: 0x00000090 ebx: 0x952f6473 ecx: 0xc0000003 edx:0x00000000
edi: 0x03a76a00 esi: 0x00000024 ebp: 0xbfffe0c8 esp:0xbfffe080
ss: 0x0000001f eip: 0x952f64ee cs: 0x00000017 ds:0x0000001f
es: 0x0000001f fs: 0x00000000 gs: 0x00000037 eflags:0x00010246

Thread 1:

# 1 0x952ec3a6 in _signgam + 0x95145482 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x000013a6)
# 2 0x95373eab in _signgam + 0x951CCF87 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x00088eab)
# 3 0x0233ad7d in _MerpCreateSession + 0x00000B07 (merp + 0x00002d7d)
# 4 0x0233a3e5 in _MerpCreateSession + 0x0000016F (merp + 0x000023e5)
# 5 0x0233a46c in _MerpCreateSession + 0x000001F6 (

Corentin Cras-Méneur

I have a MacBook Pro with OSX 10.5.8 (Leopard), Intel and Microsoft
Office 2008. I use Entourage 2008 for all my four email accounts (two
personal and two business accounts). I have been having problems with
Entourage as of late since it displays an error message every time I
start Entourage with the following message: "Microsoft Entourage Has
Encountered a Problem and Needs to Close. We are Sorry for The

The crashed thread reffers to proofing tools all over the pace.
I don't have a crystal ball, but I would suspect either a corruption in
your Officeinstall (qhich would require to uninstall, reinstall and
reupdate everything - a bit of a pain), or a simple corruption of the
You can start by trashing the preferences. They're the ones holding the
proofing preferneces for Entourage.


Corentin Cras-Méneur

Any help would be appreciated!!!!!

You know, it's a peer-support group. People answer when they know the
answer and when they have time.
You can't really expect to get an immediate answer.
If you need an immediate answer because you have an urgent problem, I
fear that the only option might be paid phone support with MS :-\



Ok, I trashed all the preferences and still the same error. Should I proceed to uninstall and re-install Office 2008?


Ok, problem solved! I uninstalled Office 2008, I re-installed Office 2008, updated Office 2008 and now everything is fine! Thank you all for your help!


Nevermind! Entourage worked fine yesterday but today I'm back to square one...damn it! Here's the error log:

Microsoft Error Reporting log version: 2.0

Error Signature:
Date/Time: 2009-09-29 09:58:05 -0600
Application Name: Microsoft Entourage
Application Bundle ID: com.microsoft.Entourage
Application Signature: OPIM
Application Version:
Crashed Module Name: libSystem.B.dylib
Crashed Module Version: unknown
Crashed Module Offset: 0x0000b4ee
Blame Module Name: libSystem.B.dylib
Blame Module Version: unknown
Blame Module Offset: 0x0000b4ee
Application LCID: 1033
Extra app info: Reg=en Loc=0x0409

Thread 0 crashed:

# 1 0x9407b4ee in _signgam + 0x93ED45CA (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x0000b4ee)
# 2 0x94077f46 in _signgam + 0x93ED1022 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x00007f46)
# 3 0x9407738d in _signgam + 0x93ED0469 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x0000738d)
# 4 0x1bd92f5c in cSFile::mClose() + 0x0000021A (SpanishSpeller + 0x00005f5c)
# 5 0x1bdaa050 in TUserDictionary::mLoadDictionary() + 0x00000D6E (SpanishSpeller + 0x0001d050)
# 6 0x1bd9e256 in _Spell_OpenDic + 0x0000041C (SpanishSpeller + 0x00011256)
# 7 0x1bd94949 in _SpellerOpenLex + 0x00000059 (SpanishSpeller + 0x00007949)
# 8 0x010a6aa0 in _ProofInit + 0x000001A2 (MicrosoftComponentPlugin + 0x00137aa0)
# 9 0x01a49d3a in CSpell::OpenUserDictionary() + 0x00000110 (EntourageLegacy + 0x00137d3a)
# 10 0x01a4a496 in CSpell::UpdateFromPrefs() + 0x00000192 (EntourageLegacy + 0x00138496)
# 11 0x01a4a4f0 in CSpell::InitializeSpell(unsigned short, FSSpec*, FSSpec*, FSSpec*, WizSpecChars*) + 0x00000050 (EntourageLegacy + 0x001384f0)
# 12 0x01a4933e in CProofing::CreateSpell(unsigned short, unsigned char) + 0x000000EC (EntourageLegacy + 0x0013733e)
# 13 0x01a4961a in CProofing::FindSpell(unsigned short) + 0x00000068 (EntourageLegacy + 0x0013761a)
# 14 0x01a498a2 in CProofing::InitializeProofing(unsigned char*) + 0x000000A4 (EntourageLegacy + 0x001378a2)
# 15 0x0002741d in __mh_execute_header + 0x0002641D (Microsoft Entourage + 0x0002641d)
# 16 0x00027b87 in __mh_execute_header + 0x00026B87 (Microsoft Entourage + 0x00026b87)
# 17 0x000282ea in __mh_execute_header + 0x000272EA (Microsoft Entourage + 0x000272ea)
# 18 0x0001514a in __mh_execute_header + 0x0001414A (Microsoft Entourage + 0x0001414a)
# 19 0x0001b150 in __mh_execute_header + 0x0001A150 (Microsoft Entourage + 0x0001a150)
# 20 0x012b772e in LApplication::Run() + 0x0000002C (PowerPlant + 0x0006f72e)
# 21 0x00019b01 in __mh_execute_header + 0x00018B01 (Microsoft Entourage + 0x00018b01)
# 22 0x0000268e in __mh_execute_header + 0x0000168E (Microsoft Entourage + 0x0000168e)
# 23 0x000025b5 in __mh_execute_header + 0x000015B5 (Microsoft Entourage + 0x000015b5)

X86 Thread State:
eax: 0x00000090 ebx: 0x9407b473 ecx: 0xc0000003 edx:0x00000000
edi: 0x03909800 esi: 0x00000024 ebp: 0xbfffe0c8 esp:0xbfffe080
ss: 0x0000001f eip: 0x9407b4ee cs: 0x00000017 ds:0x0000001f
es: 0x0000001f fs: 0x00000000 gs: 0x00000037 eflags:0x00010246

Thread 1:

# 1 0x940713a6 in _signgam + 0x93ECA482 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x000013a6)
# 2 0x940f8eab in _signgam + 0x93F51F87 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x00088eab)
# 3 0x0233ad7d in _MerpCreateSession + 0x00000B07 (merp + 0x00002d7d)
# 4 0x0233a3e5 in _MerpCreateSession + 0x0000016F (merp + 0x000023e5)
# 5 0x0233a46c in _MerpCreateSession + 0x000001F6 (merp + 0x0000246c)
# 6 0x0233af25 in _MerpCreateSession + 0x00000CAF (merp + 0x00002f25)
# 7 0x940a2155 in _signgam + 0x93EFB231 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x00032155)
# 8 0x940a2012 in _signgam + 0x93EFB0EE (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x00032012)

X86 Thread State:
eax: 0xffffffa6 ebx: 0x940e8287 ecx: 0xb00a0a5c edx:0x940713a6
edi: 0x000001ab esi: 0x63a382fd ebp: 0xb00a0ac8 esp:0xb00a0a5c
ss: 0x0000001f eip: 0x940713a6 cs: 0x00000007 ds:0x0000001f
es: 0x0000001f fs: 0x0000001f gs: 0x00000037 eflags:0x00000202

Corentin Cras-Méneur

Nevermind! Entourage worked fine yesterday but today I'm back to square
one...damn it! Here's the error log:

Near identical pattern.
Try using /Applciations/Utilities/Disk Utility to repair permissions on
your drive and reboot.
It still looks like something makes the spell checking services crash,




I tried using the Disk Utility to repair permissions on my drive and then rebooted, but the problem persists. Any other ideas or should I contact MS support?

Corentin Cras-Méneur


I tried using the Disk Utility to repair permissions on my drive and
then rebooted, but the problem persists. Any other ideas or should I
contact MS support?

You can try contacting MS support, but I'm not sure what they will
recommend and how much it might help.

There are several things that can make Office crash (reproducibly).
The first step might be to check whether it still crashes if you launch
Entourage from another user account (you could create a test one for
this purpose). This would rule out corrupted preferences, database, etc.

The second step is to check the health of your Mac itself. You repaired
permissions, but it could be a drive corruption (you can reboot on your
install DVD to run DiskUtility from there and repair the drive), font
issues (I would STRONGLY recommend using Font Book to detect duplicate
and corrupted fonts and *manually* setting them aside - or deleting
them). It could also be corrupted cache (you can use Onyx — free — to
clear the various cache that populate your drive (including the Font

I woud test all that before spending money on a call to MS (who might
just ask you to perform the exact same thing).
The fact that it doesn't affect everybody leads me to suspect it is a
problem on your own Mac and that MS support will not be able to do much
for you over the phone...


Diane Ross

Any help would be appreciated!!!!!

Download and run the Apple combo. It installs over the same version. Doing
so overwrites potentially problem-causing files. Combo updaters will install
on the same version as they¹re applying‹no need to roll back or do a clean


Mac OS X 10.5.8 Combo Update (For both PowerPC- and Intel-based Macs )

If this fails, you might need to do an "Archive & Install".


I had a similar issue yesterday with my Office for Mac 2008. Freaked me right out. The chronology of events goes as follows:

- Received an email from a friend with a .doc file to work on.
- Updated the file in MS Word for Mac (2008)then selected to send from the Word program, as an email an email attachment.

- Started to get the "Sync Services has encountered a problem" message and things went south from there. Figured I could close the apps and relaunch clean.
- Entourage then would not open my database and that's when I looked to this forum for help.
- Blew out the prefernces files as recommended.
- Now my Keychain appeared corrupted - very weird.
- Rebooted (cleanly) and every setting was gone! My background and System Preferences were no longer there. Even programs I used all the time like MSN Messenger were now asking me to log in.
- Ended having to use the Remove Office app and re-installing from scratch. Pulled all of my necessary files from my Time Capsule for Custom Dictionary; Templates and Entourage Identity, etc.

This really freaked me out. I even ended having to restore my Keychain from a backup. Things appear stable now.

Any thoughts? I hope I was not the only one with such a harrowing experience.


I should add that I am on a new gen MacBook Pro running Snow Leopard 10.6.1. Plenty of disk space (over 300gb free).

Diane Ross

I should add that I am on a new gen MacBook Pro running Snow Leopard 10.6.1.
Plenty of disk space (over 300gb free).

This could be some freaky Snow Leopard bug. I'll pass this along. So far you
are the only one that has reported this, but Snow Leopard bugs are wildly
inconsistent now.

Diane Ross

- Received an email from a friend with a .doc file to work on.

If you create the doc file new on your computer can you reproduce the crash?
Does it only happen if you receive file and edit?



I ran the apple updater combo and now Entourage is working fine. Thank you very much! I also trashed the preferences and repaired permissions. Thanks everyone for their assistance. So far Entourage has worked fine 2 days in a row...I have my fingers crossed.

Diane Ross

I ran the apple updater combo and now Entourage is working fine. Thank you
very much!

You'll need to trash the duplicate fonts in the Library/Fonts/Microsoft
folder after the install. Snow Leopard replaced several fonts with newer

Use Font Book in Applications to validate fonts. A yellow badge will show
the ones that are duplicates. Using these badges as a guide, open the
Library/Fonts/Microsoft folder and delete the fonts that are identified with
the yellow badge. It's also possible Font Book will identify other fonts
that could be suspicious.

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