Microsoft Excel doubts



we have uploaded some excel files in shared folder of file-print
server, some users have read only permission, some have write and some
have full permission in a group. my question is If one user modifies
the file, all the other user of that group should get some alert or
popup to intimate that the file is modified by such user.
please help me.

Is is possible? should I have to purchase any third party software? If
I have to purchase third party software then the details of such



Bob I

It's not a feature of Excel, perhaps you may search on google for this
file monitoring/ notification system.


It's complicated, but you could create some event code that, when
someone makes a change to the file, it uses Outlook to send an email
(ideally, after they hit 'Save' and are exiting the worksheet, to
minimize disruption). However there is no way to do this silently.

Note that if you share the workbook, when someone hits 'Save' then
the other users that currently have the workbook open do get a popup
notification that 'someone' changed the file (doesn't say who,
though). You could scan the file and the changed cells are
(temporarily) commented. A shared workbook also generates a history
worksheet showing the changes and who made them.

Keep in mind everyone has to update the user name in their copies of
Excel by going to Tools>Options>General and typing in the "user name".


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