Microsoft - fix the mail stuck in outbox problem!


D. Patrick

Please fix this bug. Clearly if JUST closing outlook xp and re-opening it
causes the mail in my outbox to suddenly send again, there is a bug. My
outbound antivirus checker is turned off, mail servers are good/working, and
this intermittent problem causes all outbound mail to just sit in the outbox
until I restart outlook.

Hopefully someone at Microsoft is reading in this group. If you have a
hotfix, please let me know.

Danny Sanders

I would suggest testing, if you can, by logging in as another user on the
same PC, setting up and sending an email to see if the problem continues
across profiles. If not, try recreating your profile. It may be corrupt. If
it does continue in the new profile I would first try repairing the Office
installation, test, if it continues uninstall and reinstall. Remember to
update after a reinstall.


D. Patrick

How do you recreate a profile?

And doesn't it still seem to you to be a bug if the fix is closing /
re-opening outlook?

Danny Sanders

How do you recreate a profile?

Log in as admin and look under documents and setting for the folder with the
logon username the same as the user having the problem and rename it to
"usernameold". Log off and log in as the user that had the email problems
and a new profile is created.
You will have to reset up Outlook in order to test.

And doesn't it still seem to you to be a bug if the fix is closing /
re-opening outlook?

A corrupt profile will cause really strange things to happen and if it were
a "bug" I would expect to see TONS of posts about the same thing happening
on TONS of computers. I only see your post about this particular problem.
This leads me to believe this problem is unique to your machine. What's the
most common "unique" thing on a user's computer? Their profile.

FYI If you find the problem goes away under the new profile you can copy
your favorites, my documents etc. from the old profile to the new.


Diane Poremsky [MVP]

why not try a new outlook profile or a new windows user account and leave
the users account alone?

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
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