Microsoft Jet Database Engine (0*80040E014) ERROR



Hai to every one,

here is my question
I have been designed a coding to accept the information from the
(i.e., the Name, Staffno and comments) but when click on SUMBIT button I
am getting the following error
Microsoft Jet Database Engine (0*80040E014)
Number of query values and the destination feilds are not the same
/reports/formreport.asp,Line 29
The coding for the above design

<% @LANGUAGE="VBScript" %>
' Declaring variables
Dim username, userstaffno, usercomments, data_source,
con, sql_insert

' A Function to check if some field entered by user is
Function ChkString(string)
If string = "" Then string = " "
ChkString = Replace(string, "'", "''")
End Function

' Receiving values from Form
username = ChkString(Request.Form("username"))
userstaffno = ChkString(Request.Form("userstaffno"))
usercomments = ChkString(Request.Form("usercomments"))

data_source = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data
Source=" &_

sql_insert = "insert into formreport
sql_insert = sql_insert & " values (' "&
Request.Form("username") & " ',' " & Request.Form("userstaffno") & " ',' " &
Request.Form(" usercomments") & " ',' " & " ' )"

' Creating Connection Object and opening the database
Set con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
con.Open data_source
con.Execute sql_insert

' Done. Close the connection
Set con = Nothing
Set sql_insert = Nothing
Response.Write "All records were successfully entered
into the database."

Thanks in advance


Hai,Chris !
Thanks for your help.
I have used all the solutions sent by you, but even then I am getting the
same error

Error type :
Microsoft Jet Database Engine (0*80040E14)
Number of querty values and the desatination feilds are not the same
/report/formreport.asp,Line 2
The coding is shown below

<% @LANGUAGE="VBScript" %>
' Declaring variables
Dim username, userstaffno, usercomments, data_source,
con, sql_insert

' A Function to check if some field entered by user is
Function ChkString(string)
If string = "" Then string = " "
ChkString = Replace(string, "'", "''")
End Function

' Receiving values from Form
username = ChkString(Request.Form("username"))
userstaffno = ChkString(Request.Form("userstaffno"))
usercomments = ChkString(Request.Form("usercomments"))

data_source = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data
Source=" &_

sql_insert = "insert into formreport
sql_insert = sql_insert & " values (' " &
Request.Form("username") & " ' , ' " & Request.Form("userstaffno") & " ' , '
" & Request.Form("usercomments") & " ' , ' " & " ' )"

' Creating Connection Object and opening the database
Set con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
con.Open data_source
con.Execute sql_insert

' Done. Close the connection
Set con = Nothing
Set sql_insert = Nothing
Response.Write "All records were successfully entered
into the database."

Please help me
Thanks in advance


Chris O'C via said:
You're missing a space between the double quote and the ampersand.

sql_insert = sql_insert & " values (' " &

As your code is written, a space before and after each string value will be
inserted into each column in the table. You probably don't want that. Also
the usercomments identifier on the web page probably doesn't begin with a
space, so that might cause an error, too.

Microsoft MVP

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