OK. I agree that it is a windows service pack and everyone should use WindowsUpdate.com to update the software What I am keen to achieve with this post is that more people find out about this update before they install Access 2003. This especially applies to developers as they need to test access 2000 and 2002 datatabases in sandboxmode before thier users get to them. I have submitted a detailed article on this to smart access and it should end up in the Feb edition.
Garry Robinson
Author Real World Microsoft Access Database Protection and Security
A book by Apress
www.vb123.com/map/ for more details
And I thank you for your efforts Garry. While Access 2003 will warn people
of the need to upgrade, it will certainly remove some confusion to have it
installed first since that will eliminate a couple dialog boxes.
You also raise a good point that is important for users who have multiple
versions of Access on their computers. Since the SandboxMode setting is
machine specific, once you turn it on in Access 2003, it will affect Access
2000 and 2002. While there should be no adverse effect on applications in
those versions, it is possible that existing applications may be using
expressions that are now blocked which will start to fail. In those cases,
developers can create wrapper functions in VBA and use those in place of
the blocked expressions that they need to use in thier applications. Most
expressions that are blocked have no legitimate use in Access, but two that
do are CurDir and Environ. You can wrap these by adding code such as the
following to a module in your database:
Public Function CurDir()
CurDir = VBA.CurDir()
End Function
Public Function Environ(Expression)
Environ = VBA.Environ(Expression)
End Function
This will allow the functions to work in a blocked environment.
Mike Wachal
Microsoft Corporation
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