MicroSoft ODBC driver for Oracle


Bob Welch

I can only pull in 100 records at a time from any given
Oracle table. I can run access queries to limit the
records to 100 or less but if there are 101 records in the
table, I get an ODBC failed followed by "#Name?" in all
the columns of the table. In teh past I did not have this
problem. Does anyone know how to overcome this limitation?

Bob Welch

John Henriksen

Hi Bob !

Try to make a snapshot query instead, that works for me

If that does not work then check, that there is an unik key for the table
you are accessing


Please reply to the group

Bob Welch

Hi John,

Thanks for the information. I can get the data now but it
takes about 2 hours and 40 minutes to pull in 20,000
records. Can I send my code to you or do you have any
other ideas on how to make this run faster. Here is what
happens: I have a .movenext and this runs fast for 50
records then it stop at .movenext and just stays there for
about 20 seconds; then it goes through the next 50 records
and stays there for another 20 seconds etc, etc, etc. My
MicroSoft ODBC driver is dated 8/3/99.

Thanks for your help on this.

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