Microsoft Office 2004 unable to print



I have a problem that has only cropped up today. For some reason all
Office 2004 programs are unable to print. I can print from any other
program, but not from Office.

When you attempt to print the print dialog will come up, but will be
unable to show anything in Quick Preview. If you hit print you get an
error message indicating "Word cannot print due to a problem with the
current printer. Make sure you have a printer selected in Print
Center. You may need to print again or adjust your printer settings."

I have tried deselecting Quick Preview in the print dialog and it
makes no difference. I have also checked to see if you can get a
print preview by selecting Print Preview instead of Print. You can
see the page image in Print Preview, but cannot print, same error. I
have tried saving to PDF from the print screen with the same

I have uninstalled Office 2004 using the Remove Office tool, including
removing all preferences, and then reinstalling Office from cd. The
new version had the same problems as the old. I have used Printer
Setup Repair to check and repair my permission settings and delete all
printer preferences. This did not affect printing in Office. I have
checked and Office, including the newly installed version, is updated
through 11.3.4.

I am at a loss on what might be causing printing to not function in
Office, when it functions in every other program. Has anyone come
across this problem before?


Sorry about your difficulties, but I'm not clear on a few of your Points:

What is "Printer Setup Repair" - a utility specific to your brand of
printer? I've never heard of it.

The only way I am aware of to "repair permissions" is to use a *disk*
utility application such as Apple's Disk Utility, Disk Warrior, OnyX, etc. -
unless you're adept at the use of Console commands.

Since I'm not sure exactly what you've done or used the best suggestion is
to have a look at the information from the following link. Follow the
directions there & you should be able to resolve the problem as well as
answer your other questions:

BTW - reinstalling programs (especially Office) is rarely a solution to any
of the problems that befall the Mac... In fact, it is typically a monumental
waste of time and *can* make matters worse.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


What is "Printer Setup Repair" - a utility specific to your brand of
printer? I've never heard of it.

Printer Setup Repair is a commercial disk utility limited to repairing
printer problems. I used it on a trial basis as it seemed likely that
there might be a preference issue. The program and information on it
can be gotten from <a href= "
index.php"> Fixamac said:
Since I'm not sure exactly what you've done or used the best suggestion is
to have a look at the information from the following link. Follow the
directions there & you should be able to resolve the problem as well as
answer your other questions:

These instructions seem to assume that there is something wrong with
the operating system or the printer drivers, not with Office itself.
I have gone through all of the steps in the list. I can print from
any other program, except for Microsoft Office programs. I can print
from TextEdit and Preview, with the exception that if you are in an
Office program and hit Print and then select Preview you get the same
message that it cannot connect to the printer. If you go to Print
Preview directly instead of going through the print dialog box it will
allow you to see a preview of the printed page, but you cannot print
from there either.

I am sorry, but this really is a problem within Office. It does not
affect any other program.

Two issues which may relate to the current problem and are the only
possible causes that I can think of for the current printing issue
are: 1) the PDFmaker library was noted as being corrupted and was not
loading properly a couple of days prior to the current problem. I
simply removed the PDFmaker library completely since I do not use that
library. 2) Last week I used a utility to try and trim down the size
of my files since I am operating off a MacBook Pro and with a
partition dedicated to Windows there is not a whole lot of room. The
utility strips out the additional localized files for regions and
countries where I do not operate. (This is the reason that I tried
removing and reinstalling Office on the theory that those missing
localized files might be the problem).

I would note that the printer problem seems to limited to Office, but
responds differently in each Office program. Microsoft Word gives the
error message noted in the original message and shows a count of 0 out
of 0 in the quick preview in the print dialog. Microsoft Excel will
give the proper page count in the quick preview, although it will not
actually provide a preview and gives an error message that:

"Microsoft Excel could not communicate with the printer. There are
several possible reasons: There may not be enough memory available.
Try closing files and programs you aren't using. Your printer or its
driver may not be set up correctly . You may need to adjust your
printer settings. If you use a network for printing, there may be a
problem with the network connection or the printer driver. There may
be loose cables or a bad connection between your computer and

Microsoft Powerpoint simply crashes when you attempt to print.
Entourage will give the proper page count in the quick preview,
although it will not actually provide a preview and gives an error
message "The action could not be completed. An unknown error (-30896)




This last "utility" is quite likely what created the problem - it's hard to
say what a scavenger of this sort may have yanked out by the short hairs.

I'd like to confirm this. I have the same printing problem, and have
recently used Monolingual on my system. Avoid this utility!

Matt Stratton

I'd like to confirm this. I have the sameprintingproblem, and have
recently usedMonolingualon my system. Avoid this utility!

I have experienced the same problem. I'd like to resolve it, but I
can't figure out what files were stripped by Monolingual that are
causing this printer problem in the first place (I suppose if we could
figure that out, the files could just be replaced).


Same here!!!
Used Monolingual as well and have the same problem.
Hope someone out there is able to figure this out.


Same here!!!
UsedMonolingualas well and have the sameproblem.
Hope someone out there is able to figure this out.

Same here too. I used Monolingual and i am having the same problem
with office 2004.


For you as well as the others who have added to an otherwise dead thread:

Even if you have a similar issue but the suggestions in the old thread
haven't resolved it for you, post as a NEW message. Explain what you *have*
done to attempt resolution and all pertinent details re OS & software
specific versions & _refer_ to previous threads as appropriate.

Further, if you resolve the issue based on suggestions here or elsewhere, be
considerate enough to post back with the detailed solution so others can
benefit from your experience... NONE of the previous posters have done so,
so I can't tell you what will work or what won't. All I can suggest is:

1- Follow the suggestions in my second post to this original thread,

2- You may have to Remove/Re-install Office - Perhaps Archive Install OS X,
making sure *both* are fully updated,

3- All of you get on the horn & start beating on the developers of this
thing called Monolingual to see if they can resolve the havoc their "helper"
appears to wreaked, and

4- Think twice in the future about the use of anyone's utility when it
claims to know more about what another developer's software needs than the
original developer knows.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Same here!!!
UsedMonolingualas well and have the same problem.
Hope someone out there is able to figure this out.

I solved the issue. (for me)

If you can lay your hand on the files Monolingual removed, do this:
- Open up Console.
- Do something that causes an error, try to print, load an
application, anything.
- Read the LOG
- Write down in what PATH the problem lays in. (for example: Library/
- Move the FOLDER which contains the damaged file to the trash. (in
the above example, delete Canon, not Printers, not Library)
- Copy the FOLDER from your backup tot he place where the original
folder used to be.

NOTE1: The system will refer to the files in the trash, not to the
original location. To solve this, restart your Mac and empty the
NOTE2: Just replacing folders won't work because the system won't
allow you that action. Delete & Copy is the only thing that works.

You're the man again. Probably. I hope this helps!

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