MIcrosoft Office beta..

  • Thread starter BlueEyedBayFilly
  • Start date


Hi, I am totaly new to all this. But I do need help with MS Office Beta. I
have been trying to uninstall it from the time it was discontinued, and with
no luck. I have bought MS Office Home and Student thinking that when I go to
download this it would get rid of the beta version.. Wrong.. Every time I try
to get rid of the MSoffice beta version I get an error message that reads:
Exception Processing Message c0000013 Parameters 75b6bf7c 4 75b6bf7c 75b6bf7c
WHen I hit the "try again" button I get the setup error message: This
product installation has been corrupted. Run setup again from the CD,DVD, or
other original installation source.
I've tried contacting MS and to no avail. I don't have the $99.00 to spare
or I would have tried that venue in hopes of getting rid of this beta
version. Since it was downloaded off MS'sweb site there is no CD.. ( one
lessoned I have learned "Always get a disk") And the second.. To heck with
trying out beta versions.
Anyway, lessoned learned. I just need help with uninstalling the beta
version. I have taken my computer into best buy (geek squad) there. And they
cannot get rid of it either. I just get told to contact MS and get a disk.
So far I've gotten no where with MS. I just need some help please. Thank
you everyone who replies for your time. It is greatly appreciated.

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