microsoft office document imaging in office 2007


Zvi Lerman

where is microsoft office document imaging in office 2007? My old Office XP
(now defunct) used to open tiff files with Microsoft Office Document Imaging,
which I don't appear to have in Office 2007. As a result I cannot open some
tiff files (which for some peculiar reason don't open with Microsoft Picture
and Fax Viewer). So what to do? Where is the Microsoft Office Document
Imaging module now?

Zvi Lerman

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Zvi,

The MS Office Document Imaging Program (unchanged from 2003) is still available in MS Office 2007 Beta 2, as an optional
installation item, once you have applied the Beta 2 Technical Refresh Patch (B2TR). You can downloade the B2TR patches for various
Office 2007 Beta 2 products from . Search on B2TR
once there.

where is microsoft office document imaging in office 2007? My old Office XP
(now defunct) used to open tiff files with Microsoft Office Document Imaging,
which I don't appear to have in Office 2007. As a result I cannot open some
tiff files (which for some peculiar reason don't open with Microsoft Picture
and Fax Viewer). So what to do? Where is the Microsoft Office Document
Imaging module now?

Zvi Lerman<<

Zvi Lerman

Hi Bob:

Many thanks, but when I follow your instructions, I get a screen (titled
Results for -"b2tr") with 15 B2TR downloads, none of which seems to be MODI.
In addition to B2TR itself, the screen shows various Project 2007 dowloads,
SharePoint services downloads, Groove downloads, etc. -- but no MS Office
Document Imaging. Am I doing something wrong? I go to the URL you indicate
and type B2TR at the top of the screen, in the search window to the right of
"All Downloads".

Look forward to further instructions, if possible.


Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Zvi,

The MS Office 2007 Document Imaging is part of the B2TR update to Microsoft Office 2007 Professional. It isn't a standalone product

You'll need to update all Office 2007 products you have already installed to the same B2TR level.

Hi Bob:

Many thanks, but when I follow your instructions, I get a screen (titled
Results for -"b2tr") with 15 B2TR downloads, none of which seems to be MODI.
In addition to B2TR itself, the screen shows various Project 2007 dowloads,
SharePoint services downloads, Groove downloads, etc. -- but no MS Office
Document Imaging. Am I doing something wrong? I go to the URL you indicate
and type B2TR at the top of the screen, in the search window to the right of
"All Downloads".

Look forward to further instructions, if possible.

Zvi >>
I hope this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office system products MVP

LINKS to the 2007 Office System Beta

1. Free MS Office 2007 book from MS Press, 213 pages:

2.. Office 2007 Beta 2 Online Test Drive, Downloadable beta,
e-learning courses, doucmentation and movies:

3. Try the 2007 OfficeOnline preview website , without Office2007

a. Install the ActiveX access control

b. then visit

Zvi Lerman

Hi Bob:

Sorry for being so obtuse, but please bear with me. I have installed Beta2
and then the Technical Refresh. All MS Office products on my computer have
"B2TR" on their flash screen and all the icons have the new "fluid" look. The
B2TR install file is called Office2007b2tr-kb000000-fullfile-en-us.exe (I
downloaded it on 10/23/2006).

Still , when I click "Open with..." on tiff files, I get only Windows
Picture and Fax Viewer, and there is no MODI anywhere among "Other Programs".

Anything I can do to activate MODI?

Thanks for your patience.


Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Zvi,

In Add/Remove Programs in the Windows Control panel, Open the Office 2007 Professional choice and see if the MS Office Document
Imaging and Scanning tools are set to a 'run from my computer' state. They're not part of the default choices for setup.

Hi Bob:

Sorry for being so obtuse, but please bear with me. I have installed Beta2
and then the Technical Refresh. All MS Office products on my computer have
"B2TR" on their flash screen and all the icons have the new "fluid" look. The
B2TR install file is called Office2007b2tr-kb000000-fullfile-en-us.exe (I
downloaded it on 10/23/2006).

Still , when I click "Open with..." on tiff files, I get only Windows
Picture and Fax Viewer, and there is no MODI anywhere among "Other Programs".

Anything I can do to activate MODI?

Thanks for your patience.

Zvi >>

Zvi Lerman

Hi Bill:

Did everything as instructed. Went into Change, then Add components (I did
not dare going into Repair), then Office Tools, and under Office Tools found
Microsoft Office Document Imaging. The box was set to "Run from my computer",
but the box was white, not gray, like some of the other boxes (the Office
Tools box itself, also set to "Run from my computer", was gray). Anyhow,
clicked again on "Run from my computer", then "Continue", the system
reconfigured itself, requested a reboot, but in the end nothing: it still
attempts to open tiff files with Picture and Fax Viewer. For some tiff files
the Viewer works, for others it fails and I get the error message "No preview
available". That's the story so far.

Regards, Zvi

Zvi Lerman

Hi Bob:

After my last report of failure upon failure, I have decided to go into
"Repair". Office 2007 apparently reinstalled itself from scratch (it took
ages) and I now have a fully functional Microsoft Office Document Imaging to
open all my tiff files.

Thanks for your invaluable assistance.


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