Hi Joan,
MS Office document imaging doesn't necessarily need a TWAIN driver for the scanner, but if the scanner has an automatic document
feeder sometimes that seems to work better for it to be able to do multi page scans to Word than trying to work with a WIA device.
There is also a somewhat limited base of supported scanners, more so on Vista in some cases, for compatible drivers.
Most scanners tend to use hard drive space for at least their temp/spool file processing, sometimes self contained on high end ones,
but usually the PC processor and assets are put into play on personal type ones.
I have been surfing inside this web but i didn't see something about if Twain
is a requeriment for scanning or is possible scan without it.
And, if we use twain, this means that the scanner has to take hard disk.
Thanks for all Mary >>
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
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