Alan Vincent
When I send an e-mail to multiple addresses using BCC and a Distribution
List, Only some of the list seem to go sucessfully, most seem to fail as
indicated bt an e-mail received imeadialtly the send is finished from the
"System" Subject: Undeliverable,
and in the body of this e-mail the following information is typical:--
Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.:
Subject: Geraldine Latty Tour in January.
Sent: 15/12/2008 10:19
The following recipient(s) could not be reached:
'Brian Kuppen' on 15/12/2008 10:19
452 4.5.3 Error: too many recipients
'Graham Smith' on 15/12/2008 10:19
452 4.5.3 Error: too many recipients
This infomation is repeated for between 5 and 40+ recipents.
I am using Windows XP Pro SP3 Office 2003 SP3 Outlook 11.8217.82221 SP3.
My outbound mail is destined for SMTP.Orangehome.co.uk. They say there are
no limites applied by them.
I POP from my mail provider at POP.1and1.co.uk they also say there are no
If the number of e-mails is low 1 to 8 say the problem does not arise.
There is one other factor which may or may not be relevant. The error report
e-mail I get is very clearly cut and pasted above. If I send it to another PC
and they open it the error report line can be different so it looks as if
this information is dependent on the machine on which the message is
I do do 1 to 5 e-mails a day to groups or 2, 10, 50 and any of the 10 plus
will exhibit this type of problem. If I edit the list and send those listed
in the error report most will go but a shorted list of errors will be
Please help I am desperate. I can forward copies of th original e-mail plus
assocciated error reports if you wish.
Regards and thanks for the hope of a solution.
Alan Vincent
List, Only some of the list seem to go sucessfully, most seem to fail as
indicated bt an e-mail received imeadialtly the send is finished from the
"System" Subject: Undeliverable,
and in the body of this e-mail the following information is typical:--
Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.:
Subject: Geraldine Latty Tour in January.
Sent: 15/12/2008 10:19
The following recipient(s) could not be reached:
'Brian Kuppen' on 15/12/2008 10:19
452 4.5.3 Error: too many recipients
'Graham Smith' on 15/12/2008 10:19
452 4.5.3 Error: too many recipients
This infomation is repeated for between 5 and 40+ recipents.
I am using Windows XP Pro SP3 Office 2003 SP3 Outlook 11.8217.82221 SP3.
My outbound mail is destined for SMTP.Orangehome.co.uk. They say there are
no limites applied by them.
I POP from my mail provider at POP.1and1.co.uk they also say there are no
If the number of e-mails is low 1 to 8 say the problem does not arise.
There is one other factor which may or may not be relevant. The error report
e-mail I get is very clearly cut and pasted above. If I send it to another PC
and they open it the error report line can be different so it looks as if
this information is dependent on the machine on which the message is
I do do 1 to 5 e-mails a day to groups or 2, 10, 50 and any of the 10 plus
will exhibit this type of problem. If I edit the list and send those listed
in the error report most will go but a shorted list of errors will be
Please help I am desperate. I can forward copies of th original e-mail plus
assocciated error reports if you wish.
Regards and thanks for the hope of a solution.
Alan Vincent