Hi Mahesh,
While the MS Office site marketing and training features will focus on the new version of Office (i.e. 2007 products are the ones
they'll be selling <g>), you can, tailor OfficeOnline more to your versions for focusing searches.
When you go to
http://office.microsoft.com click on the
"Help and How to" tab, and in the lower center part of the page you should see the "Browse Help and How-to by Product"
Cclick on the 'Edit List' link on the 'My products' tab and use either the auto or manual settings choice to select only the
products you have installed and/or are interested in.
Why is that when we go to Office Online , they have started to logon to the
Office 2007, when we are still using office 2003, (atleast many of us still
using it), we need to work with office online 2003, to refer to certain
things there, and it very hard to search all the things for office 2003 >>
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
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