Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 X64


Ed Krievins

Could someone please help me once and for all regarding what versions will
officially be available for MS Project Server 2007. I am planning a big
upgrade to my computer for later this year and currently am running a X64 Bit
OS. Is MS Office Project Server 2007 available in a X64/ 64 Bit Edition?

The Microsoft Search Engine has nothing available relating to 64Bit Project
Server 2007. There is only a Beta 2 Tech Refresh Download available. HOWEVER.
This download states that it has to be used with a previous Beta 2 Version of
the product. Yet there is absolutely no evidence that MS Project Server 2007
Beta 2 ever came out in a X64/ 64bit Edition. This is unbelievably
frustrating to planning an upgrade, and MS has done a poor job in being
precise in what X64 Bit Editions are available as RTM/ Final products given
that X64/ 64 Bit Products were available during the Beta phases.

Could someone please help me. I work in construction and MS Project is my
software bible.

Mike Glen

Hi Ed,

I would recommend getting in touch directly with Microsoft on this question.
Otherwise, try posting on the server newsgroup. Please see FAQ Item: 24.
Project Newsgroups. FAQs, companion products and other useful Project
information can be seen at this web address:

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Mike Glen

Apologies, Ed, I was thinking I was on the project newsgroup not the Server!

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Ed Krievins

Dear Mike,

Thank you very much for your prompt response. You did boo-boo as I came to
the Office Newsgroup after seeing Project Server is an expansion of MS
Project in Office Discussion. I actually did first try the Servers Newsgroup.

Now, to advise me to contact Microsoft as a MS Project MVP tells me that you
are also being kept in the dark about this becuase when I saw your reply as a
Project MVP, I thought now I am finally going to get a precise and defining

Perhaps I should start looking at Primavera or Timberland in an x64 if a MS
Project MVP cannot answer what I think is a very straight forward question so
close to official release. If I find out something, I will post it for you to
review. Once again, many thanks for your assistance.

Roger Faucher

Hello Ed:

I just downloaded both the 32 and 64-bit versions of Project Server 2007. I
too was hoping to deploy EPM in a completely 64-bit environment. I am having
to re-think this now because it seems that the other components (Project
Portfolio Server 2007, in particular) will not be available in 64-bit form
and I'm not comfortable with mixing them together since this is a production
deployment for 400 employees.

Make a great day!

Roger Faucher
Microsoft MVP

Ed Krievins

Dear Roger,

Thank you for contributing to my thread. What I cannot understand is that
both yourself and Mike Glenn both have a MVP after your names which reflects
your committment to Microsoft's Office Project, and Microsoft's recognition
of this committment, and it takes stupid me to ask this question so late in
the game before the offical release of MS Office 2007 and its various
platforms and components. What the hell has MS been doing with you guys, but
better still, what the hell have you guys being sleeping on, not to question
this situation earlier.

At least I have contributed something to your situation for yourself to now
start questioning the wisdom of undertaking changes to accommodate Office
2007 when not all has been forthright by MS as to what platforms each product
will be available in, and what integration or mixed integration will be
supported. Especially the server platofrms given that the base OS like W2k3
Server is both 32bit and 64 bit. But I do take exception to Mike's suggestion
to contact MS myself given that he is an MVP and should know all of this.

I don't know what business you are in, but in construction, our upgrades and
changes have to be planned so well in advance, becuase you just can't do them
half way through a project. You have to find a window or open slot between
jobs, and then do it very very fast before you start the next one, or you
will be living in IT Hell, and any other problems occurring with a project at
the same time.

I am starting to loose excitement now with Office 2k7 given that I am not
able to find answers to very very simple questions.

Roger Faucher

Hello Ed:

Since I'm originally from New York City, the concept of being attacked by
someone whom I'm trying to help is not totally alien to me. If you take a
moment to search Microsoft's website for MVPs, you'll find that I'm an MVP in
Windows/Printing. It is purely coincidental that on Friday my employer
assigned me to deploy EPM and I've been working overtime since then trying to
get up to speed as quickly as I can. Otherwise, I would know even less about
these products. Most MVPs are specialists. They don't know everything there
is to know about every Microsoft product.
I experienced the same frustration vis-a-vis Microsoft's lack of published
information concerning 64-bit support for the various elements of EPM, as
well as other perceived shortcomings. I decided that I would give Microsoft a
little more time to publish more definitive information, since these are very
new products.

Make a great day!

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


The fact is that MVPs are volunteers, and outsiders to Microsoft. While we
do have access to select information, it's not like we have an open pipe in.
Often we have to bang the pipes pretty hard to get a drop or two to pass.
Unless I'm profoundly mistaken about the architecture, it seems to me that
if IIS/SharePoint and SQL Server run on the 64bit OS, then so will Project
Server. I'll go ahead and ask this question for you, but Dale is correct in
steering you to Microsoft sales, as the sales folks are always there. Going
through back channels is usually the slower route.


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
For Project Server Consulting:
For Project Server FAQS:
For Project Server Books:
For Project Server Training:
For Project FAQS:

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


Given that you've just been thrown into Project Server, I'll venture a guess
that even as an MVP, you may hit the frustration levels that Ed is
expressing.<g> We've gotten used it around here. Meanwhile, we're still
holding the fort for you here in NYC, where no good deed goes unpunished!


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
For Project Server Consulting:
For Project Server FAQS:
For Project Server Books:
For Project Server Training:
For Project FAQS:

Mike Glen

Hi Ed,

I wish I were all knowing about every facet of Project that Microsoft feels
like producing! My commitment is to the basic Project Standard (hence my
thinking I was in the project newsgroup), and not to Project Server or any
Enterprise version you care to use(though I do read all the postings in all
the Project newsgroups in case I can help, which isn't very often). The
reason for this is I sit at home with my laptop and I do not have a server
and I thus know very little about anything to do with the Enterprise use of
Project with Project Server of whatever version. That's the baseline. I
still believe that the only people that can give you a definitive answer in
what will go with what is Microsoft.

Mike Glen
Project MVP

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