microsoft office X for mac french proofing tool



Hi I have a Mac running on OSX 10.4.11. have microsoft office X for mac but can not seem to find the french proofing tool. Do you know where I can download it for free.
Please let me know

John McGhie


The French proofing tools are part of the standard installation of Office X.

You cannot download them anywhere, they are on your Office CD. If you do
not have an Office CD, then you will need to buy one. In which case, you
would probably buy the Office 2008 version and get ahead of the curve :)

If you DO have an Office CD, then look up "Language" in the Help for
instructions on how to install the French components if they are not there.

However, unless you performed a custom installation, French will already be
on your computer. To use it, simply mark some text with "French" as the
language. Look up "Language" in the Help to see how...


Hi I have a Mac running on OSX 10.4.11. have microsoft office X for mac but
can not seem to find the french proofing tool. Do you know where I can
download it for free.
Please let me know

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Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Nhulunbuy, Northern Territory, Australia
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]


Same probleme here. French proofing tools dont work. Even with a full installation of office. It's really annoying.

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