Microsoft Office



I am trying to learn how to use WORD " bundled" with Microsoft Office on my
XP Professional..

Since I need document for it, would Microsoft Word 2000 for Dummies
be appropriate for me? There are other titles like Word 2002, 2003 and WORD

I have tried properties of WORD; it did not give any detail. The Office was
purchased two years ago.

Maybe one of you can help.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You can get the version information of any MS product (and most others) by
clicking Help | About <product>. FWIW, a Word 2000 book will be less than
helpful for Word 2002, which had many new UI features.


I see now . I always thought WORD 2000 is called since it has to run on
operating system 2000. Mine is XP.

Now it is clear; Anyway, I plan to place an order on WORD 2002 finding
the version like you said clicking on HELP | ABOUT.

Is this forum appropriate for asking help AFTER getting this book?

Shauna Kelly

Hi Alan

It's common to think that Word xxxx only runs on Windows xxxx, but it's not

Office 2000 (of which Word 2000 is part) will run on everything back to
Windows 95 (see Office XP (of
which Word 2002 is part - silly naming convention, but never mind) will run
on Windows 98 and later

And yes, this is an appropriate forum for asking questions about using Word.
Make sure you tell us what version of Word you're using every time you post
a question.

You might also find the following useful:
Tips from MVPs on posting to the Word newsgroups
Which newsgroup should you post to?

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

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