Microsoft OfficeXP(Media Content) Production Key.


Thu Pham

I received the "OEM Distribution" "Media Content"
(Microsoft OfficeXP) disk from my AIU Online School.
When loading the disk to my PC, it is going through all
step except asking for Production Key and it's loading to
finished. Therefore I couldn't open the OfficeXP.
I try several times by removing reloading, it's still not
Please send me a email with information to make it works.
Thu Pham.


Thu Pham said:
I received the "OEM Distribution" "Media Content"
(Microsoft OfficeXP) disk from my AIU Online School.
When loading the disk to my PC, it is going through all
step except asking for Production Key and it's loading to
finished. Therefore I couldn't open the OfficeXP.
I try several times by removing reloading, it's still not
Please send me a email with information to make it works.
Thu Pham.

The Media Content disk does not install Office XP, it contains additional
clip-art for use with Office XP.

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