bluexah said:
i don't think i made myself very clear.. sorry.. it is not linked to the
startup.. it happens all the time when i try to open it. it gives the logo
right away bit stalls on it for about 5 minutes until it opens up the mail
all the way.. thanks for your time
You never mentioned if Outlook used to be speedy to load and lately it
got slow. Based on your original post, and without any inferences to
the history of use with Outlook, apparently Outlook has always been slow
to load.
Did you move the .pst file to a mapped drive (i.e., network drive)?
Outlook doesn't support networked .pst file (because a handler to ensure
proper closing of the .pst file if the connection is lost does not exist
on the other host). Ungraceful closure of the .pst file can corrupt it.
If you put the .pst file on a mapped drive, and since many hosts are
configured to terminate idle sessions, the delay could be to reestablish
a connection to the mapped drive before the .pst file can be opened.
Did you disable e-mail scanning by your antivirus software? That won't
work for some programs (i.e., their transparent proxy still has e-mail
traffic passing through it so if their proxy is slow or unresponsive
then so, too, is your e-mail client that has to go through that proxy).
In that case, you have to uninstall the AV software and do a custom
install of it where you opt to NOT install their e-mail scanner.
How big are your .pst file(s)? The bigger they are, the slower Outlook
gets. I believe the default for the new Unicode format .pst files is
20GB. Microsoft doesn't recommend increasing that size due to slowdown
in accessing the database records. Even at that size, Outlook will be a
lot slower than, say, trying to open and access a 2GB file.
Have you tried running Outlook in its safe mode ("outlook.exe /safe")?
That will load Outlook without any add-ons. If the slowdown disappears
then an add-on is causing the lag. When Outlook loads, it must also
load all enabled add-ons. When Outlook exits, it must first unload all
enabled add-ons. If an add-on crashes or hangs on load/exit then
Outlook also crashes or hanges on load/exit.